ESPN has yet another who's the best college football this case using the period of 1936 to the present. They use a formula. So far Gators are #15, UGA #14, LSU #13, Tenn #12, PSU #11, Miami #10, FSU #9, Michigan #8, Texas #7, Alabama #6. That leaves Ohio State, Notre Dame, Nebraska, Oklahoma and USC to be the final 5. I wouldn't be suprised if the Irish came out #1 since the go back to 1936 and I would be suprised if they were lower than #3. USC and OU are teams that might edge them out. Ranking the most Prestigous Football Programs Of course it means nothing. I doubt if Gator fans sitting there with 2 NC's in the last 3 years and a possible 3rd next year really care if some formula says Neb or Notre Dame are more prestigous programs.
I would say I wouldn't trade my team or the Gator's program for anyone else' none. How's that for an answer? I might add that I am sure everyone else feels the same way about their teams but Gators have lots to be proud of these days ( an understatement ) and truthfully.....I loved the Gators back in the mid-60s when SOS happened to be under center and definitely in the mid-70s during my academic time there....and in the mid-80s when probation scarred teams were some of the best in the land. Post 1990 speaks for itself.
yawn. The ESPN is leading the league in meaningless rankings. They should take these resources and concentrate on either 1) better coverage of current sports not being covered 2) bikini competitions
When you guys achieve perfection, let me know what you thought, cause I already know. The 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers...the only source of comparision is themselves.
The 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers don't pop their collars. Shirts just get an erection just from touching their skin. The 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers' tears cure cancer. Too bad they don't cry. The 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers don't do push-ups. They push the earth down.
Good thing those Huskers won that game vs. Fla in the Fiesta that year. Otherwise it would be a gaudy 4 National Championships in 13 years for the Gators instead of the 3 that it is. You know...that one was certainly undisputed but I wonder a little about the possible controversies that must have existed in many, many years over the course of NCAA history from which ESPN is drawing it's basis for program rankings. Since Corey seems to have the most issues with how the national champs are annointed I have to wonder how many of those NCs of Notre Dame's had a team lurking just behind that could have laid a claim to the titles that the Irish are claiming. Hmmmmm.......
No I will actually give some validity to Dave's claim here but this is where it falls short..... We use to have multiple national titles to award. That allowed for teams who couldn't meet on the field, who had great seasons themselves, to be rewarded appropriately for their efforts. Now we have a single title in which one-half of all Division I is automatically ineligible to win it...and at least one-half of the remainder stands no feasible chance at that ring unless there is a string of unlikely events that will take place. That is my beef. If we have a single title, then let's have a playoff and let everyone have at it. Anything shy of that... I think it would be best to bring back the multiple NCs. This nonsense that 'if everyone is talking about BCS controversy, then it is a good thing for the game' is just that... This controversy is nothing new. Split titles between Bama and ND would, by that logic, every bit as good for the game except that in those cases... the teams would both be rewarded.
Congratulations to the Sooners. I remember when I started following football in 1949 and they were winning NC's then. I am always interested in a system that puts numbers in an attempt to be objective like they did in this poll. And there is no way to be completely objective and fair across the board so it does make interesting reading. Some items that skew the results a little though, and none of them favor Notre Dame, are bowl games, conference championships. Notre Dame didn't go to bowl games for over half those years and aren't in a conference now. Also winning whatever conference Buffalo is in is worth as much as winning the Big 12. But even so it still makes for some fun reading. I'll have to content myself with the Gators as coming on strong sinch 1990 and being only 4 points behind Georgia I think we can pass them in the next season or so.
As I posted in the original message I wouldn't be suprised if either OU or USC beat the Irish for #1, I was suprised we slipped behind Ohio State, but considering the formula as you pointed out Bill, we didn't score any points for conf championships ever, and bowls only since 1970. So I guess I really shouldn't be suprised. I was actually suprised that Michigan was not in the top 5 though. Terry
I would like to take this time to express my feelings in regards to the final rankings; AJ's rankings: (1) OU = They have Been consistent, Bud Wilkerson had some Monsters. (2) ND = They're all about History, Movies, Folklore and Tradition. (3) OSU = I just like them better than USC. (4) NU = Sure, they got a late start, but oh my what results. (5) UM = Overall wins means alot, they do have a great History. I'm sure everyone notices that all these teams come from the "dirt under your nails" heartland of America.
Here's an interesting site that gives "Power Ratings" for each season. The '95 Cornhuskers attained a .941 power rating, 1.0 is perfection. The 88 Irish attained a .950 The 2004 USC were a .963 Rockne's last 2 teams have the highest power ratings ever 1929 .983 and 1930 .980. Power Ratings