Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, USC in the top 4 spots. Two old faces, Nebraska and Notre Dame ranked in the top 25. Early 2009 Projections
I think you'd be rated higher if Joe Ganz were returning, who is the projected starter, how much eperience, can he run or is he mainly a thrower?
#5 might be a little high for Alabama. We lose the best left tackle in college, AA center, leading rusher, and senior qb. We don't lose many but we lose alot of quality.
Cody Green was the only QB recruit Pellini took this year. Patrick Witt will be a Soph next year, and has the most playing time behind Ganz this season. Zac Lee (Junior) has the most view time for Watsons offensive scheme, but wasn't impressive enough to take over the 2nd string spot behind Ganz. My guess is that Witt will win the starting Job for next season. I've got a feeling about this Green kid though. He starts classes this week, he's got the size and speed we've needed, and he'll have Spring and Fall Ball to learn the system. The last Freshman to start at NU was Frazier, and that took until the 5th game of the season. That was of course a Power I, Option package that was probably easier to learn than what Watson has to teach. Hard tellin' what Bo will do. If the other 2 are embarrasing themselves, then maybe Green gets the call. That's what happened to Mike Grant when Osborne decided to give the reigns to Tommie.
Maybe it should. If off-the-field considerations can help determine the greatest player of all time, maybe they can also help determine the national champion. 8)