He's the best HS QB in the last 25 years according to some and will no doubt be a worthy successor to Brady Quinn when he gets to Notre Dame. Welcome to Notre Dame Jimmy!! He will not wear a number, instead he will wear this!
Sounds great and once he does I would say that it was to be expected with all the conversation about him coming to ND the past couple of months, but I'll still believe it when it happens. I've just seen too many of these big recuits change their minds. If he does, it just shows that ND will probably be in on another banner recruiting year thanks to Charlie Weis. This is probably the best QB in the land for this recruiting year. Tim
Clausen <r>Terry,<br/> <br/> Gettin some other confirmation, looks like we got him...<br/> <br/> Here's the site: <URL url="http://www.latimes.com/sports/highschool/la-sp-clausen22apr22,0,7448387.story?coll=la-headlines-sports-highschool"><LINK_TEXT text="http://www.latimes.com/sports/highschoo ... highschool">http://www.latimes.com/sports/highschool/la-sp-clausen22apr22,0,7448387.story?coll=la-headlines-sports-highschool</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> <br/> Tim</r>
How is this possible, I thought ND wasn't relevant anymore? :lol: This is the biggest news in ND recruiting in a dozen years. With the O-linemen Charlie just got, if Clausen convinces Benn to commit we're looking at Montana-to-Rice for the rest of this decade.
Quite a catch guys. Seems it didn't take long for the right coach to get the Irish back to the top. Gator Bill
Terry, You and Lou scooped me. I was told tonight on campus that it would happen exactly as Lou described it, but apparently at the same time I was finding out from this "reliable source" the whole world was finding out from Lou. That's funny. I think it is really cool that Lou is the one who broke the news. As little interest as I've had in recruiting over the years, I am downright excited about this one, more so for what it represents in our upward movement back to the elite ranks than about the specific individual. We actually beat out USC for the most coveted QB in the upcoming HS senior class. And a California kid to boot. How cool is that? I had an unforgettable night tonight at the pre-spring game dinner. I'm too tired to think anymore tonight, and I have a busy day here at the lake tomorrow. I'm no JO'Co when it comes to writing, but I will try to put together a description of the evening before the weekend is over.
Say it ain't so, Sid! You'll be at the lake and miss - The Announcement at the College Football Hall of Fame? You'll miss hearing Jimmy saying, "I'm going to Notre Dame! Who's coming with me?" You'll miss Arrelious Benn shouting "I am!" and Mike Ragone's "I am!" and Michael Williams "I am!" and ... and ... The Echoes Are Awakened!
Jack, Great picture of Mark May. He's my idol. This is the first year in a while I won't be going to the spring game. Up here in the north country, we have to take our docks out in the winter because our lakes freeze over. Mine takes two people for the last 50% of the job. Brian is going to swing by after the game to help me with that part, so I need to stay here to do the first part. I'll give Jimmy a call on his cell phone to let him know how happy I am that he's coming to ND. Do you have his number?
from Jimmy Clausen: "Honestly, I think it pretty much just came down to coach Weis for me. Any high school quarterback would want to play for coach. There's something about him. He's from New Jersey, so he's got a little swagger to him... I want the #1 recruiting class in the nation. There’s a lot of guys here today and I’m going to try to talk to them… ... I look forward to doing whatever I can to help us win the national championship." I highlighted the important parts for you guys....
I have great respect for Coach Weis, but seriously, how can a guy with his ample circumference not swagger?
And to think how O'Keefe and Corey always poked fun about Lloyd's breast size.... Geez, Lloyd is to Charlie what Paris Hilton is to Dolly Parton. 8)
:!: I've seen Jimmy Clausen play many times on local TV's High School Game of the Week. You've already heard it all before from a thousand different sources, so I'll just add my two cents. He's the real deal: tall, poised, tough, intelligent, polished-looking, with an absolute cannon. He never panics and I've seen him huck a completed pass 65 yards in the air for a TD. He's coached at Oaks Christian HS by Bill Redell, a legend in California high school football, who once turned tiny Crespi HS (500 students) into a major schools power that won state championships here. Jimmy Clausen has the potential to be as good as any QB ever to come out of this area, and that's saying something. ...............IMHO...JO'Co
Apples don't fall too far from the tree. <t>I've seen 2 Clausens for the past few years. Needless to say I'm not impressed. With that said, Your Coach turned a lemon into quite a greased machine with the QB you have now. So there will be hope.</t>
TB I guess you're opinion of the older Clausens is the same as Bob Davie's. You never know about brothers. Mike Vick certainly was better than his younger brother. CJ Leake wasn't as successful as his younger brother. What a crapshoot!
What this tells me more than anything is ND is back. Which I already knew that. This just verifies it. To land that kid, as highly recruited as this youngest Clausen speaks volumes about that coach and where that program is headed. Anyway, Congrats! Don't mind me any, It's hard for me not to be a Clausen "hater".
There was a turnaround on the field last year. ND was "in" all the games. Two of the losses were to OSU and USC who have 6 and 5(#s 1 and 2) players projected as NFL First Round Choices. ND has none. Clausen is the touted as the #1 recruit but there were 10 or 11 of the Top 100 Prospects in attendance at the ND Spring Game. The 41,000+ attendance set a school record set back in '81. Holtz teams never drew anyway near as well. Keep in mind ND is not a "State" school it has a national base. Fans have to travel a lot further to get there. And the entire student body is probably less than what Penn St (and some others) graduate in a year. The Offense will score a lot of points and the coaches will recruit well. But the Defense and the Kicking game are still too deficient for a viable NC contender. ND's come a long way in a short time but short of miracles is still a couple of seasons away from the dominance of the glory years.
Here's a site with fan photos of the Blue and Gold game. Many are mundane but if you run the photos in slide show mode watch photos #35 and #36 where Walker changes direction and leaves Zibokowski sans jock.