Five entries were eliminated a while ago due to never making picks. Those 5 entries were: George Krebs, PJIII, BDR, PJIII's second entry, and Scott. Now, one other person has been eliminated for 1st place. Wendy, even though she was in 4th place at the beginning of the day, right now has a maximum available score that is lower than an existing score. She can still compete for position but 1st place can't be attained by her.
Well, 1st place may be mathmatically possible for me, but the way I've been picking...well, you get the drift. Wendy, if you're picking worse than me...sorry 'bout yer luck. :lol:
pretty interesting that everybody in the contest either has 16 or 17 correct picks but much different scores due to the confidence points assigned.
If TT doesn't wake up, six more people will be out of contention for 1st place in the contest. If the Ole Miss DB wore one size smaller shoe, the score would now be 38 - 21 Ole Miss. As it stands, Ole Miss has a 10 point lead and the ball at the TT 40 yard line with 8:00 left in the 3rd.
Texas Tech screwed a lot of people for big points... including myself. They also mathematically eliminated several entries: The 1st place score is now 352 so it will take at least that to win. Texas tech lowered the maximum scores for the following entries to below that mark: Stu's Cat: still can make 352 points maximum but is on the brink. Expurgstor: 347 previously eliminated John Deere: 343 NDFAN77: 346 newalbanybuckeye: 351 Florida Bucks: 323 Boondock Muskies: 343 If I were to wager, I would bet that either Corey or Gator Bill will win the overall judging by their maximum possible points. Even though they are #3 and #4 right now, they do have an advantage.
Well, ECU did it to a few people. Stu's Cat: 334 now off the brink geektragedy: 341 Now it looks like the wicked witch of the East could possibly win it all due to picking Kentucky over ECU Irish bowler and kp are in danger of elimination if Alabama does not wake up.
OK, after everyone lost their collective arses in the Sugar Bowl, there are officially eight entries that still have a chance to win it all and it is just too close to call: In first place is Tennessee Tom with 352 points and 405 possible. In second place is La D Vol with 326 points and 419 possible. In third place is IrishCorey with 322 points and 404 possible. In forth place is Gator Bill with 320 points and 412 possible. In Fifth place is Huskerfan with 300 points and 367 possible. In sixth place is Rogator with 297 points and 374 possible. In eighth place is Treefrog with 275 points and 375 possible. In fifteenth place is LoneStarIrish with 240 points and 370 possible. Cindy and Gator Bill are the favorites at this point with myself and Corey running very close behind. The other positions were not mentioned since their possible points were less than 352.
Sorry Terry, 15th is correct. The standings page does not automatically update the scores like the "Group picks" page does. When the standings update tomorrow morning, you will see that newalbanybuckeye passed you with 249 points and John Deere passed you with 245 points. Neither, however, have possible points over the 352 needed to compete for 1st.
About what. I missed something here... no, wait a minute. I think I see through the hydrocodone haze. Corey placed 10 points less on Alabama than Bill, Cindy, and I did. That could work out to be the winning decision in this contest.
The minimum score to win is now 359. That means that the following are still in contention: Tied for first place is La D Vol with 359 points and 419 possible. Tied for first place is Tennessee Tom with 359 points and 405 possible. In third place is Gator Bill with 347 points and 412 possible. In forth place is IrishCorey with 322 points and 375 possible. In fifth place is Rogator with 317 points and 374 possible. In sixth place is Treefrog with 306 points and 375 possible. In tenth place is LoneStarIrish with 271 points and 370 possible. Betting on Buffalo killed HH and dropped Corey to 4th. Terry moved up to 10th from 15th.
I knew we were doing pretty bad, but jeepers, not THAT bad! Like we crashed out of the race with only half the laps in the books. I say "we" because my husband and I did the picks together. Yeah, I'm spreading the blame. But I don't care, I am happy to lose almost all of them as long as we get our 34 point game right!
Nobody has won last place except for the entries that never made picks. All this talk is about 1st place only.