I do watch it, but did not catch that one.....I believe that Urijah Faber pound for pound is the baddest little mf'er that ever walked the planet....! He's one bad a$$ little dude....
You missed an amazing fight! Let me see if I can find some Gifs of the 3 big fights of the night. Rampage vs Silva Mir vs Nogaria Griffin vs Evans[/code]
I missed this card but I am a regular UFC viewer. Best fighter I've seen, hands down, is George St. Pierre. I'll catch UFC 92 on the replays.
Krebsie, St.Pierre is a bad a$$ for sure, but if you have not yet caught Faber, you'll enjoy it.....the kid is a freak.
I don't know if this stuff is real or not. ... don't know because I never watched it. I have a mental block here. In the early and mid 70's I dated a girl named Melissa. Her father, Malcolm, was 100% certain that whatever the WWF was called back then was REAL! To keep the peace, and to keep my piece, I didn't argue with him. That crap turned me off to even boxing.
Gamecock, Yes that card was awesome....I love how Silva talking all that trash got knocked out cold and Rampage kept hitting him. Was surprised by Griffin not showing up. Mir, very cocky and out of shape but still won nicely...He serious that he will beat Lesnar again??? I had sound off, (holiday party) what did he say to Lesnar in the crowd? Non-believers, it is legit better than boxing in my eyes, unless Roberto Duran comes back to fight again
No Tom this isn't WWF or any of that wrestling crap....this is the real deal. These guys have mad skills and imho are the baddest men on the planet....
It's legit alright. These guys have boxing, jiu-jitsu and wrestling skills and at very high levels. One of the up and comers is Frankie Edgar, a local kid from here at the Jersey Shore. I watched him wrestle many times in high school (state champ). Then he went on to college and now MMA. he is close friends with one of my employees. The best thing about MMA is that a match can turn on a dime. And Don King is NOT involved! Watch for St. Pierre and BJ Penn next card. After that I'm hoping that GSP will add some weight and challenge Anderson Silva because I think he can beat him.
JIF, This is your don talking to you. I want you to watch Spike TV any Tuesday or Wednesday evening around 9:00P and see what were talking about. And no crapola about it being past your bedtime. Capice? 8)
JIF, As I stated above, I don't watch this stuff. You claimed it was a Southern thing. I am a Southern thing and I know nothing about it.