6 yr 160,000.00. Lowe..Burnett..Tex..and Manny on the way to NY also. Report says The new stadium will gross 750 mil a year. ( seats start at 250.00 up to 2500.00. Season tix 85000. ) Cashman out for blood this year :!:
Are you kidding me about the costs of those seats? Doesn't a seat on the NYSE cost less? Around here the talk is about keeping payroll with in 100-120 million and do the best you can.
Apparently there is no economic slowdown in NYC, aren't those Wall Streeters and Bankers supposed to be hurting and not able to afford to pay such ridiculous prices for entertainment.
Jif, I don't know where you're getting your info, but you need a new source.....that is nonsense. You can go online right now and buy two tickets to see the Rays when they visit Yankee Stadium next year for less than $50.
Yanks ask NYC for 400Mil for stadium and then they right back dish 160 mil to a player? What a joke tax payers screwed again! With the other additions possible and seat prices crazy, do they really think they will make that much money? What if recession gets worse???
If the Yankees have problems selling tix/making the playoffs, then maybe they can petition Congress for a government bailout plan.
It's nice to see that an airhead with a left arm who works every fifth day or so makes as much as auto company execs used to. Of course running a large corporation on which tens of thousands of job rely isn't nearly as important as pitching for the Yankees.
The Rays...hhhmmmmm.....isn't that the team that beat out the RedSox to go to the WS?.....pray tell BuckT... :lol:
I think you mean $160,000,000 don't you jif? That kind of money boggles my mind, I can't even comprehend.
If he has the type of year he had last year, what is that roughly 1.36 million dollars per win? You can buy an umpire for less than that.
How come the Steinbrenners aren't bailing out the motor plants? So I guess NYY just bought 1st place again?
I wonder how Jeter feels, I mean is he even making 20 million this year? And he's the Yankee captain. 8) 8)