I have to say that, for the last 2.5 months, I am just ashamed of my fellow ND fans. Not all of them mind you, but a good damned many of them. Over on NDN, they have called out, critiqued, personally insulted, and formed a conspiracy theory over every last gosh darned person involved in the program with the exception of (maybe) the water boy. Now it appears that we will have a new OL coach, Ron Prince, the former KState head coach... and they are ripping this guy before he's coached a game for the Irish.... ugh... Their most recent demands to explain why ND would take the bowl in Hawaii and to know who exactly is going in concert with the demands for overall cost of this venture is just the most inane, shark jumping moment I could ever possibly imagine. I simply cannot venture onto an ND community, outside of the small pocket we have here, without hanging my head in shame.. Nancy boys.. the whole lot of em.
Corey, It's not to late, it's never to late...lift your head up....look for the tracks...and follow them...to the train, the train with the big red 'N"....you'll find salvation my son.... :twisted:
It's very difficult to read that board at this time. As you said everything that the University does with regards to the football program is over analyzed to the max, one particular poster poses the same question over and over and over slightly changing the syntax. But it's a broken record. I wish we were better, I do think the Administration and AD's have been on a losing streak for quite awhile when it comes to football. We were on a losing streak at Texas for quite awhile as well between the time DKR retired and Mack Brown arrived. OU was on a losing streak for quite awhile after Barry Switzer retired just ahead of the sheriff, they didn't get it right till they lucked out with Stoops. Same thing for USC. I wonder what the internet boards would have been like from the time that Leahy retired for ..ahem medical reasons... and Ara was hired. Right now they praise the wisdom of Fr. Ted and Fr. Ned along with Moose. I wonder if during the time of Brennan and Kuharich if those guys would have fared very well with the Internet crowd of today...we act more like a lynch mob mostly.
Since you are now a "Southern Man"......even imploring me to defend my heritage at times I think it's time you embrace the inevitable and give out a heartfelt....bellowing....Rollll....TIDE!!!!
Corey and Terry, GatorCountry and other Gator sites had a large group of people who piled on Zook before he ever sit foot in Gainesville as the Head Coach. They kept it up for almost three years until he was fired. Last year and earlier this year there was also a large group of people who were very critical of the Gators effort until after Arkansas. They were in particular down on Dan Mullen our offensive coordinator. Since we won the rest of the games it let up. But have no doubt that if we lose to Oklahoma or the first time we lose next year it will start up again. Then of course there are the people who see every game as the refs are out to get us. That was all over our board after we beat Bama. Never mind that we had less penalties than our average, never mind that the penalties that hurt the worst were against Bama. The refs were against us. I tried to point out that if they were really against us they didn't do a very good job of keeping us from winning in a close game. Some people just have to bitch and complain.
The same clowns that wanted to run White out of town on a rail are now ready to tar and feather his replacement after less than a year. You read about their delusional replacements at football coach and you realize that they are completely out of touch with reality. So let me get this straight, they've been crying for a new OL coach for months and the minute a new one is hired they turn thumbs down. Like Corey, I'm boycotting the other ND sites. If there was any balance or rationality it would be one thing but there is neither. Everyone's a brilliant AD, everyone's a world beating coach, and they all know the solutions to every problem. What a complete bunch of assholes!
ND NATION <r>I agree with you guys, The ND Nation and UHND sites are a disgrace. It seems <B><s></s>nothing<e></e></B> that the administration or CW does is right. They are not happy with anything. They seemed genuinely insulted when they got the news that CW would be around for another year. They had themselves convinced the AD was going to fire CW. <br/> <br/> After bitching about the possibility of going to either Houston or Detroit for a bowl game, they are having another fit that ND accepted the Aloha Bowl! This despite the fact that the majority of the players voted for it!!<br/> <br/> You can bet that whatever changes CW makes on the coaching side will be met with similar disdain. <br/> <br/> Hell, I'm as disappointed as any Irish fan but they take it way to far. I'll gladly join the boycott just to stay away for all the negative crap they are spewing over there.</r>
It really is out of hand. Just watch that board on a college football saturday.. ND won't even be playing... Some kid from Rutgers kicks a FG.. The following ensues. NDjackoff98 -My kingdom for a kicker ->AndyCrossRoxMySox- the kid we have now is a pedophile, I know people. ->JVan-This will never end until we get real leadership change in the highest levels of administration at my beloved alma mater. ->ACross- Which of you half-retarded, inbred pickle chuggers wants to make excuses for this *ss wipe that is staining my school now? ---> CelticWinter-Agreed Andy, and while I was down here sniffing your nads, I came to the realization that the FG hitting the upright into a 25mph crosswind is really all Charlie's fault since he elected to choose this endzone to start with. Any competent leader with real coaching experience would have allowed the other coach to choose... thus giving himself an out. ------>NDgr82h8- You two guys are so smart! You are right. Coach Kelly at Cincy would never have chosen a side. --------->ACross- Eat a donkey dong you prole, Kelly beats his wife and hates black people. Did I mention that I know people? In fact, I know a friend who told me something that I can't tell you here, but believe you me that a certain Catholic football coach from Ohio is just dying to take the Notre Dame job. He's just waiting for the phone to ring, but of course, our leaders chose to call someone else. And it goes on and on and on... jock sniffing is something I've never understood. Poster sniffing is something that is beyond my comprehension, yet so many people take their flaming bag of poo as a burning bush to enlightenment...
I am heartened but not surprised that we Skyboxers think alike re: the NDN mindset. This discussion emphasizes what a special group of people we have here on the Skybox. I'm including everyone regardless of affiliation, but in this particular topic, we are talking only about ND. We have what the other boards, especially NDN, do not have......a very high level of maturity and respect for each other and for what ND stands for. Of course we vent, some more intensely than others, but in the end we all get it. We understand why ND is such a great institution and that regarding our football issues, this too will pass........eventually. There are alumni on boards like NDN who never got it when they were in school and never will as long as they live. I knew people like that when I was a student in the 60s. Nothing has changed or ever will. The only difference today is that because of the internet they have unavoidably loud voices which gives them the illusion that their misguided opinions matter. They never matured into reasonable men or women. Collectively, they have a negative attitude toward authority and for whatever reasons they are just plain angry. To be fair, there are reasonable people on those boards but they are drowned out by the shrill voices of the misfits who have a perverted sense of pride in displaying their personas. Unfortunately, the misfits comprise the vocal minority which gives the board and - to some in the outside world - Notre Dame supporters in general the unfair reputation as an hysterical "nation" of fans. The vast majority of ND alumni and fans, like those of us here on the Skybox, see these boards for the wailing walls that they are. We see the vocally negative participants for the misfits that they are. We understand that they delude themselves into thinking that someone is really listening to them, when in reality we are shaking our heads at their immaturity. Having said all this, I should disclose that I check in briefly on NDN every once in a while just to get a feel for the topic du jour. The tone never changes. It's sad. It only reinforces my gratitude that I am part of the Skybox family.
I am biting my lip here in lieu of speaking up and facing possible lifetime banishment by my ND brothers for having the audacity to be the most vocal here when it comes to expressing my displeasure with the state of Irish football circa 1994-?
George, your passion for ND football is certainly respected. This board wouldn't be very interesting if eveyone had the same opinion. We've already had one ND fan leave because he couldn't stand the opinion of the majority here. It wasn't banishment it was voluntary withdrawal. Hopefully we're going to have a top recruiting class and more changes to the staff will occur. Certainly the coaching position at ND will be even more desirable to other coaches next year with a good stockpile of talent.
George, Don't think for a second that anything I said has any connection with you or any other Skybox brethren. If you are looking for something that made me think of you, check out this excerpt: :wink: Just because you express your feelings more intensely than some does not mean you are like the folks on NDN that we are describing. Not by a long shot. When I think of NDN, I think of angry people who are hysterical about all things Notre Dame, from the administration to the AD to the coaching staff to even the fans openly supporting the team, who they refer to derisively as "pollyannas." That's not you. You express your frustration, even your anger, in a way that is understandable and, to me, acceptable, even if I disagree with you. At my age and with my temperament, I can't afford to vent as strongly as you do because I would be a walking candidate for a stroke. That's what worried me about the way HoustonLarry expressed himself before he chose to take a walk. While I am only one man, I feel very comfortable saying that you unquestionably are one of our beloved Skybox brothers. That's not going to change, regardless of your feelings about CW or anything else. You are the Skybox Godfather. 'Nuff said. Heck, if we all agreed on everything, it would be pretty boring, don't you think?
Who taught all these old people how to turn on a computer??? :lol: I'm with you guys on other sites. Even the pay site I can't take anymore. Only keep it for the recruiting articles no forums. New age now lets you post anything about anything while hiding behind an IP Address.
George, I take your posts to be far more enlightened than anything I've read at NDN in years. Even your most blood-boiling, hair pulling, frustrated screaming post doesn't match what comes out of that board. I mean, they are already declaring the potential new OL coach a failure before he has ever coached a single practice for the Irish. Think about that. I would love, just for one day, to apply the same scrutiny to those posters on their job as they do those running the ND football program. They'd crack in a day. I think we all agree that there is something wrong with the team and that something must be done to address this. At the same time, if the approach taken to make changes doesn't meet the criteria of some couch jockey who just so happened to go to ND then that change is met with hysterical, hyperbolic insanity. The differences between teams in the BCS and the teams in the lower part of the top 25 is really not as great as many would lead you to believe.. just as the difference between 7-6 and 12-1 could be as simple as the simple addition of 2 or 3 players into the lineup or gaining maturity. (see Alabama). This points are all lost over on those boards. They represent, at this time, all that is wrong with the ND fanbase. They are, literally, the laughing stock of the sports media world.