ND fans were up in arms a few years ago with the uniform jersey's that were redesigned to have "stripes down the body. Those went away and we're happy now days with our uniform design going back to something simpler like our old uniforms. Funny how these things stir up the fans!!
No... <t>Those are a comedown from the great looking NIke ones in the past. I know they are Nike but why change what works?</t>
I'd have to agree, these don't have anything that says Ohio State in them. The old uniforms were better looking, it's like seening Meechingan in helmets without stripes. They can swap jerseys now with the Badgers. Terry
The local media is having fun with this! Personally I think all the negative output is silly, but just my opinion. Right now I am more worried about a couple of blood clots in my lung, if you know what I mean. Don
Funny thing about the ND Jerseys, was that they were supposedly done with player "input", don't know it it's true or what but. But they were not received well by the fans, who don't esp like changes. I don't think AJ and JB were all that happy when Neb changed jersey design either. We haven't changed much at Texas in a long time, but I do remember when we went to the current Burnt Orange color for the jerseys. I didn't much like it, but it's grown on me over time. Terry
I really liked our old jerseys... Nike is a great company and fantastic marketer...but I haven't been very impressed with what they've done to most teams jerseys. When they come up with a style like Oregon or Gonzo's Hurricanes I'm gonna puke. :roll: stu
I thought Ohio States home uniforms were amongst the best in College Football. I've always liked 1. ND Uniforms Of course 2. Ohio State uniforms 3 Mich uniforms 4. LSU uniforms 5. Tenn uniforms 6. Air Force uniforms 7. Texas uniforms 8. Cal uniforms 9. Gator uniforms 10. FSU uniforms
Terry, that wasn't very kind of me after you put tOSU's jerseys on your list...but you know how it is...I couldn't resist. I was talking with Crazy John from Michigan tonight, and here's what we arrived at...the thing about our old jerseys was that they looked good (personal bias) and you could see one from far away without reading any logos and just know that it was an Ohio State jersey... just like when you see a Michigan helmet...love it or hate it, you KNOW what school it belongs to. These new OSU jerseys could be anybody's...nothing unique about them at all. stu