I think it was the segment where they act as lawyers on a topic. The topic last night was whether or not Weis should be fired. Holtz defended him and May took the position he should be fired. At some point I think Holtz made a remark that May had never coached. The judge found for May and firing Weis.
i believe the wording was 'this never has been, never was a coach'.. if you watch that weekly segment, May normally stands there and taunts, ham it up etc... This week, he excused himself from the discussion and backed away. I wasn't alone in this, everyone watching it here with me thought the same thing..even those who don't watch football or ESPN..
I saw it and Corey is right. May walked off camera. Lou turned toward the camera and kinda of mumbled his way into a commercial.
And Rece Davis didn't exactly look happy either.. I think it took an extended commercial break to work it out, but they came back and seemed OK with it..
I would have thought that those segments were pre-recorded so that if something goes wrong they just go CUT, and start over again.
Neither Rece nor May looked happy. In that segment, Holtz, after the verdict was rendered, referred to Davis as a "never was-er" and May as a "has been". May pointed at his watch and said, "your honor, I gotta go" and walked away from the set. I usually like segments with May/ Holtz because both are funny and seem to actually like one while pushing the each other's buttons but that discussion went from a football discussion to personal insults unexpectedly.
Personally, I think it's a extremely stupid and needless theatrical part of the show. I want sports info, not SNL skits. M. May can be a CS'r though, just ask Trev Alberts.
I'm with you. The segment is the single dumbest thing on TV. I flip the channel when its time for that.
Aquila said something very similar to that and was blasted for saying something about Lou when the comments were pointed at the stupid skits. Now maybe you see what he was talking about.
Yes, Tom, it seems I recall having my "young ass" called "ignorant" and something about someone not having much respect for me or something. However, I've never been very good at holding grudges.... To the point of this topic though, I missed that particular segment. Whether the ESPN guys are in character or not, they sure know how to make themselves out to look like complete idiots. IMO, the segments involving Davis, May, and Holtz make Lee Corso look like the second coming of Aristotle. I realize it's entertainment but who actually gets entertained by these things? Even weirder than the judge and courtroom segment is the Ask Dr. Lou segment. I just don't get it. When I see segments like those, it reminds me of pro wrestling...and that's a road I hate to see "real" sports going down.
After I slept on it I did what I had to do ......apologize for that knee-jerk stupid rant. My feelings about Lou Holtz are related to my son's first hand experience with him as his coach and life teacher. I know that people not connected with him or with Notre Dame can have different opinions. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I'm glad you are "not good" at holding grudges. Although I did not see the skit in question, I agree re: the stupidity of them in general.
I know for a fact that this is all show. I know there is some off-the-cuff stuff that makes the show fun. The way I see it, is that an extensive amount of time is spent sh*tting on ND or trying to provoke a passionate defense of ND by Lou. Saturday, they got it...and it got personal. They seemed to be just fine afterward. As Huskerman pointed out, Mark May can be a bit of a nightmare to deal with.. He'd been baiting Lou on a subject that he knew would draw Lou out of character... He got his wittle feewings hurt...