Uhhhh Wendy, you're a little late, but since I like the innovative way you listed your choices, I'll give ya a pass!!!
I never gave it up! Time is my issue. It was the knees to begin with. It was just too painful and my game suffered as much as I did. :roll: Then after the first knee (right side which was the worst one) replacement, I was much more mobile but joined the Fire department. Between work and being on call with the VFD, I have very little time. My most fun hobby for me is flying radio controlled airplanes. That hobby has taken a hit... or not taken a hit in another way. I have had so little time to fly them that I now have three planes in flying condition and four more in various stages of completion. Normally, I would not be able to keep more than one ready to fly due to mishaps in the air. The three planes in flying condition: a top wing trainer, a low wing trainer, and a P-51 Mustang. Since I fully expected to crash the P-51 on the first few flights (didn't happen), I have another P-51 that is the farthest along of the "under construction" planes. The others are a P-40, AT6, and an Edge 540. The Edge is a mid wing aerobatic plane. It is also the largest plane I have attempted: I am remembering approximately 80" wing span. Any other Skyboxers out there with this addiction? :wink:
It is one of the things that has always fascinated me, I used to go to the model airport in Houston just to watch guys fly on a nice day. I never really had the nerve to jump in, I figured I'd just be crashing right and left. There used to be a show on the DIY network all about radio controll and I watched a lot of shows, it really looks like fun. Could you post some pictures of your planes? How did you get started? Was your first plane one of those mostly built styrofoam ones with wing attached by a rubber band? That seems to be a good cheap way to get started. Do you practice with the video trainer software on a PC? Terry
So, AJ, I guess it kicked off today? Hmm, whaddayaknow. Oops, I looked closer at your original post now. Sorry.
Terry, You must become proficient with the simulator before flying your first plane. I figure that I crashed enough on the simulator to equal about $20,000.00 in real planes. I will still fly the simulator before going to the field, especially when it has been a while since the last flight. Here is a link to the best simulator on the market: Real Flight G3 I'll send Cindy an e-mail to take a picture of the planes that are ready to fly. She has a new digital camera with which she needs practice before she meets me in New York in about two weeks. I will post the picture when she sends it to me.
Congratulations to the Gipper, just think if you'd be a little less smart you could be sitting in my chair tomorrow getting a free root canal as your 3rd place prize! Terry
I spent about 7 hrs watching golf from Augusta yesterday. I kept looking for Commish. The lucky guy got to go again this year. He was wearing orange pants and a white shirt (Vol?) and then to complete the picture a blue hat (Gator?) I figured I couldn't miss him. Next to ND games, the Masters is my favorite sporting event. (a tradition like no other.)
No. Actually he has three titles that he is currently assigned to at Time Life Distribution. Fortune, Money and Golf Magazine. He was invited to Kiawah in March to do a presentation for the Golf staff and they apparently liked his suggestions. (Did you know for instance that if the magazine cover shows someone in a bunker, they sell 25% less copies at the newstands?) In any event, he call a few weeks ago and told me that they invited him to be their guest at the tournament the final 2 days. Hey, while I'm writing about my kids, my oldest, the one who teaches at OSU may be on 20/20 this friday. She uses that book Freadonomics by Steven Levitt in one of her classes. They did an article on Levitt including a talk he gave at OSU. When they heard that one of the faculty used his book in her class they interviewed Molly. It may not make it into the show but what the heck, just thought that I'd mention it.
There goes gipper talking about his kids again. Nice to see and hear the folks here on Skybox so involved with their families. Gator Bill