I can't remember the last time anybody really gave a flying flip about the VP debate. I wonder if Joe will call her "little lady" at some point!! She however does need a good showing in the debate, if she does then it's a big boost for McCain.
I like her and hope she does well, but after seeing her gaffes in live interviews, I fear that this could be the nail in the coffin. We'll see.
Some of the things that have been called gaffes sort of tick me off, like that question about the "Bush Doctrine", I would have liked to hear Obamas response to that, and asking about Supreme Court decisions, I have to tell you I wonder who beyond a constitutional lawyer would have been able to come up with a couple of quick ones on that. Interviewers who have the time and staff to research things would seem to be able to come up with lots of questions that any of the candidates would trip over. To me they have made her a target and are essentially playing trival pursuit with her. Their goal to find things she doesn't know and ask her to make her look bad. I'm not very happy that tonights moderator has a book on Obama to sell. She knew it when she applied for the job but conveniently left it out of her resume....wonder why?
There are many, many questions that are asked of Palin that are not asked of Obama. I do have to admit though, that it is rather comical to watch 'feminists' refer to sexist attacks to torpedo a candidate. I also find it humorous that, since her being tabbed as the VP selection, the media has openly championed their 'duty' to vet her as a candidate while any such examination of Obama is greeted with charges of racism... Hypocrisy knows no bounds.. BTW, a little tid bit about polls that people love to cite...esp the media. I use a few forums on the internet. They are, well, not what I would call user friendly forums. In fact, one of them has been attacked regularly by Foxnews. During these Presidential debates, I have witnessed them tipping polls they find on the internet. We're not talking about a few hundreds kids and nerds casting a few thousand votes. We're talking about tens of thousands of votes. It's fun to watch in real time actually.. however, it is sad to see that same poll cited in the media later as 'evidence' of anything.. They don't even realize they've been scammed and worse yet, neither does the public watching at home.
:? with no editing and straight talk I think she was remarkable last night.. all Biden did was attack McCain .. she on the other hand attacked the issues ...... I was impressed
Bill. Nope. These types of boards are filled with more 'liberal' types... although there are conservatives as well... Rules of participation forbid mentioning them by name But I kid you not..say a hundred guys creating tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of votes in those online polls..