Not to worry about bears crapping on Gator Bill's porch, JO'Co. He has a higher class of bear in his neck of the woods.
Yep, they just come right up to the door and ask to use the bathroom! :lol: :lol: :lol: That's because the porta potty is gone. Gator Bill
Wow Bill, that front porch is spectacular. That should be a great place to spend time, and just take in the scenery. I haven't been to N Carolina, but the drive up to Clemson from Atlanta looked a lot like where your new house is. VERY pretty! Can't fault you for jumping on that early! 8)
Bill and Tom, Both are magnificent homesteads which are going to make your quality of life very high as you move along in years. Cogratulations and best wishes for the "good life".
Wow, Bill, great place. I love Western NC - went to Brevard College and still love to go cruising up there around Brevard, Ashville, Hendersonville, and the Parkway. And you are even closer to shopping and civilization than I am here in the country outside of Gainesville. That doesn't seem fair! And nice cattle, Tom. What do you have, Hereford or maybe Simmental? One looks at little Santa Gertrudis? But where did that brindle color come from? And cool tractor! I'm jealous!! Wendy
Hi Wendy... Our cows are "Mutts". The purebred cows bring more at auction but the mutts tend to have less problems delivering calves. The bull that produced the middle calf was a brahma. The bull that produced the youngest calf was a hereford. We have no idea what the bull was that produced the oldest calf. As for the tractor, it is a Mahindra 2615 4wd. It has come in rather handy for getting the property ready to build on.
Nice place there Tom. <t>I like your way of thinking. I've got the place for a cattle farm, but I don't live on it. I do have a local that raises cattle on my place. Hey, why do you have a 4WD tractor? Doesn't look like you need it?</t>
Hey TB, Tractor is 4wd because it is low weight, 2315 lbs in this case. Huge tractors have a great deal of weight providing traction to the drive wheels. On smaller tractors, you need pull from all four wheels to make up for the weight loss. For mowing, it is not an issue. But for box blading and scooping gravel or dirt with the front end loader, you need that traction from a light tractor. Here are the specs: Mahindra 2615 Raising cattle is not that much work, TB. We do not live on the 11 acres right now. It is about 2 miles from our property. We are just now building a "pole barn" to house the tractor and hay for the cows. We go over about twice a week to check on them. They can eat and crap on their own just fine!
... and BTW, the reasoning behind going with this tractor over a full size was $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. I bought this tractor with the front end loader, 5 ft shreader (bush hog), 5 ft box blade, and a 16ft trailer more than capable of hauling the weight for ~$16K. The two wheel drive full size tractor that was big enough to do what I needed was `$20K for the tractor and the shreader alone.