This guy is muy loco!! Watch out for him Jif!! Besides it was only the Devil Rays, start a fight with the Yankees for max effect!! We remember him in Houston!! Muy Loco Boston Red Sox Cántaro Terry
He was a whack-job Cub too. Never liked him. You'd think if that Atlanta guy had to go through so much anger management stuff, to the point of it overshadowing his career, you'd think they'd do the same for this guy. Didn't he break his hand during a tantrum before or during playoffs too?
Yes he did, Wendy. He's been involved in numerous altercations, and was also kicked out of a game (and I think suspended) for having a foreign substance on his cap while pitching for the Cardnials.
Gee, given his opinion of Giant fans, I thought that some of the LA guys on this BB would defend this poor misunderstood lad.
:shock: Dang, Bobda, don't scare me with old quotes like that! For a second I thought he was back with the Cubs. No, doublechecked the first post ... still in Boston. Whew, that seems about right.
Good thing he is not a white guy, if a white guy says something like that he'd be suspended fined, made to account for his wrong thinking and speaking and even more. Terry
8) I didn't realize that Tavares was controversial. The fans in San Francisco are a bunch of a___ and faggots... ...........DD
8) Here's a picture of Barry Bonds with a Giant of the entertainment industry. They have their own version of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."