Ya know I'm don't know why there's so much hostility in here. We all kow that the SEC is the best conference and despite thier off season last year I'm very confident the VOLS are going to kick ass and take names so just enjoy the off season and prepare yourself to watch a real team.
Gotta admire the Huskerman for ignoring the pokes by the newbies. He's got more class than the whole batch of them put together will ever have. Until those kids are confident enough to throw insults to the face of a Marine officer in person , they shouldn't be spewing it on the internet. And I agree with others' comments, "My Space" is probably the better hang-out for them. (ps, the comment about HH's class still applies, despite his link :wink
Thanks for the kind words Wendy. Rick, the student is only applying what he has learned from the master. ......Grasshopper sends..... :wink: See Gonzo (and the 2 lil boys), it's about substance, not style.
It seems that from time to time we have to go through road bumps here. But rest easy the newbies will adjust to the style of Skybox or move on! Either on their own or with help! And I for one am not going to get in this marines face and challenge him! :lol: Gator Bill
Gort, I don't think Wendy means anything is wrong with myspace, just that some of the conversations we have had in the last week could be taken there instead of our forum. Gator Bill