for you cane fans and gator haters, here is the fact: florida gators into the final four, vs. george mason university, so all u people who said the gators were a ******** team losing 4 games in a row and tennesee is a god and joakim noah sucks and the gators are a ******** team who never live up and win the big games, well guess what, you guys were proved wrong because the gators beat number one seed villanova and joakim noah is the BEST thats right you heard me the BEST big man in the country rite now, so kiss my ass gator haters p.s sorry frank haith, I will make sure to buy your team all tissues for losing the NIT, and larry coker il give you one too, sorry you guys dont have tim tebow or ny of the top re ruits except one
I guess it's nice to have another Gator here. However, we never lost four in a row this season, I don't remember anyone saying Tennessee is God, and certainly don't remember anyone saying the Gators are a ******** team who never live up and win the big games. Also I don't see it as appropriate to tell Gator Haters to kiss your postier. I think you might be on the wrong forum to be looking at Gator haters. There might be a couple who are a bit bombastic, but even the Gonzo clan manage to put things better than this post. Again I welcome another Gator, but you might remember to act as if we have been there before, which we have. Gator Bill
Bill.....correct on all counts about this new "poster"...rather abrupt intro. Nevertheless...the Gators are to be congratulated heartily for winning....check that.....utterly manhadling a Nova team that was grossly undersized and unable to pick off rebounds at either end of the court. The hardest matchup for UF would be LSU....funny that two SEC teams may go for it all in the Final Game. Big Baby and Thomas are the equal of any UF player and would neutralize Noah in the middle.....then it will become a perimeer game in which both teams are pretty should be a close match right until the buzzer. I am rooting for UF....go Gators...make the State of Florida proud The Gonz
Well thank you Gonzo and I pretty much agree with your analysis. The advantage I do think the Gators have to offset Thomas and Davis is that all five of our starters can score and we have two big men who can move in the middle. We did beat LSU twice this season, but as someone pointed out on the board this weekend one of the LSU stars was injured and held out of the SEC tournement for the SEC Championship. That explains how we beat them so easily that game and why it doesn't have anything to do with this game. Thanks again for the nice words. Gator Bill
WHOAA!!! U OBJECT <r>WHOAA!!! U OBJECT<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> when did i say all of that in those words, never did i say Jauquim Noah sucks and they are a bs team and tennesee is god trust me no one who beats the gators are god <E>:lol:</E> <br/> <br/> Villanova victory is easy for a tall gator team against and undersized villanova team, the problem with Villanova was that they are underzied and cannot rebound and usually rely on the long/midrange shooting, which they definetly did not have last night. Juaquim Noah may look good playing against a four guard team with a 6'8' PF as a C, not to mention that Noah is 7 feet tall.<br/> <br/> Sorry Dad and Bill<br/> <br/> George Mason will put the gators where they belong out of the Final Four, theyr are to quick for the gators plus they beat the #1 seed in the nation and they have great senior leadership in Butler and an outstanding backourt and a great frontcourt.........<br/> <br/> and if the gators do make it to the championship again sorry Dad and Bill but LSU will wreck the Gators Juaquim Noah against Glend Davis and Tyrus Thomas pleasse..... that's almost has bad as a matchup has Vince Young against the Harvard's best in a IQ test. Guardplay is favored on LSU's side.</r>
get your facts rite joquim nosh is 6 foot 11 and is better than tryus thomas "little" gonzo, shhhhhhhh were are the gators? just tell me where are they?
I'M sorry U object i don't speak jibberish <t>I'm sorry U object.....<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> I don't speak jibberish (I speak English)<br/> <br/> joquim nosh???? the gators???? i thought you were a gators fan<br/> <br/> Noah is 1 inch shorter ohh what a difference people can still call him 7 feet tall<br/> <br/> P.S. are you on crack?? Tyrus Thomas way over and above Joquim Noah (not nosh)<br/> [/quote]</t>
i dont think so pal, have you been watching ncaa division one basketball i shorty, get your facts rite before you open your mouth
why dont you stop talking little girl ok? its almost time for beddy bye time go to sleep now munchkin
Gotta love it, ebonics and thuggerisms have seeped their way into our SkyBox waterways....Where are the crossing guards at? Who's controlling the short bus traffic?
:shock: On behalf of Floridians with a modicum of common sense and at least one functional brain cell, I would like to apologize for the non-representative sample of Floridians above....