Character Issues

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by George Krebs, May 28, 2008.

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  1. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    BDR I have worked with a lot of people in LA and that's what they have said when I am out there to the point that I don't chance it a bit when I have a rental car there

    I have paid 60 dollars to go RT in a cab between downtown and Hollywood at night before while meeting clients for drinks.
  2. Bear Down Rick

    Bear Down Rick Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Well, if it's anecdotal then it must be true. :roll:

    In any event, if you're going to drink enough to blow an .08 on a breathalyzer you should be taking a cab. You can also take the Red Line (subway) from Downtown to Hollywood for a lot less than cab fare, and it's much faster.
  3. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I would say two martinis would make most people blow a .08.

    Pretty difficult to stop at one drink for most people in a social setting.

    Do you think it takes 8 drinks to go past .08 blood alcohol level?
  4. Bear Down Rick

    Bear Down Rick Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I would say two martinis would make most people blow a .08.

    Two martinis in thirty minutes sounds about right. Some people might not consider that "social drinking" though. That's drinking with a purpose.

    Pretty difficult to stop at one drink for most people in a social setting.

    It's not so much a matter of stopping as it is a matter of pacing oneself, taking advantage of available alternative transportation or using a designated driver.

    Do you think it takes 8 drinks to go past .08 blood alcohol level?

    No, but then I'm not prone to heart attacks or having my leg fall off either. Do you think being insulting is an effective way to have a discussion? :p
  5. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I agree completely with the above.

    The gray area is two martinis in 60 to 80 minutes.
    Who really knows at that point where you stand on the breathalyzer?

    Then it becomes a matter of timing. I would never ever drink two martinis in 80 minutes at say 12 midnite and then drive anywhere period but at 6 pm....yeah I would if close to home.

    My apologies if you thought I was being insulting. Certainly your comments border on that and I do think you are usually on the edge of being the provocateur when it comes to sharp retorts.

    But that's your style and mostly it's entertaining. :)

    Oh...and what do you think about taking the Red Line late at night say in a return from Hollywood back to downtown? Is that pretty safe or best avoided?

    Maybe taking it out to Hollywood on the way out and return in a taxi is better?
  6. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    speaking of DUI stories

    <r>2 friends of mine, female, are spending the weekend partying in Nashville. One has a fiance in a band who is playing up there, but the girl decide to go hit the circuit of places that would be 'more fun'...not to mention, they've heard that band play a hundred times.<br/>
    Long story short, they wind up getting groped and literally sexually harassed. Without being too graphic, at one point one of the men literally had his hands up one of the women's skirts and in her panties.<br/>
    The women went to the bouncers who did nothing. They decided to leave, so they called a cab. They weren't drinking a lot. They had 'scheduled' their drinking so they would stop consuming alcohol and then spend the last several hours dancing, drinking water and then would drive back to the hotel... Well that plan changed.. The cab never shows. The women now call another cab company and go outside to wait for it.. The group of men followed (which is now escalating the situation). The women break free and head back to the doormen/bouncers who again do nothing. It appears they are friends with the group of morons.. The girls call the police from inside the club.. The police DO show up at the door and are quickly shooed away by the club's security. The women couldn't even get to speak with them. The harassment continues, finally the women decide they will get in the car and leave heading to a bar/eatery across the street.<br/>
    They got in their car, pulled out onto the road and pow... police lights.<br/>
    They told the cop their story, who checked it out with the doormen who said they were lying.. Cop comes back, bang.. DUI for the driver and her friend was literally abandoned without a ride in downtown Nashville.<br/>
    This took place in July of last year. My friend is still without her license. Her account is literally thousands of dollars lighter.. Her insurance (whenever she does get her license back) will be incredibly high because its the law that she will have to carry mandatory SR 22 insurance. She is now entangled in an entire system that is filled with 'automatic triggers' based on numbers and arbitrary laws. This is a person who has never committed a crime or so much as written a bad check.<br/>
    She spent 72 hours in a jail cell in Nashville with actual criminals. They didn't let her make a phone call for almost 24 hours, and by the time she found people and they raised the $$ to get her out, she had spent 3 full days in jail.<br/>
    At the time she refused to blow (insert pun here) because she was so upset that she was being booked and tossed in jail for simply fleeing a scene in which all of the 'security features' designed to protect her wound up failing her.. In TN, you can be convicted on the word of the police officer alone:<br/>


    The officer SPECULATED that her BAC must have been around .20 which carries a mandatory minimum 48 hours of jail time.. The TN courts deemed that of the 72 hours she spent in jail that weekend (and Monday), 48 of them were technically considered (in holding) and not actual jailtime. So a few weeks later, she had to have someone drive her back up to Nashville to spend 48 full hours in the Nashville jail.<br/>
    Now she has another problem, an Alabama court system that has set court dates for her to appear to get her license back which has scheduled dates BEFORE her court dates in TN in which they will give it back to her. It may be another YEAR before she gets her license..<br/>
    Maybe she should have just let the guy rape her?</r>
  7. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Houston, TX
    This topic has drifted way too far off topic at this point and is more a moral discussion of alcohol use and abuse along with police response to it.

    So we're going to lock it here as it's no longer a sports topic. Feel free to continue this discussion in the Back Room

  8. Skybox Moderators

    Skybox Moderators New Member Administrator

    Mar 14, 2006
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    only the shadow knows
    … and before anyone jumps on Terry, we discussed this as a moderator/administrator team before the decision was made to lock this topic. He was not acting on his own. He just forgot the login to the Moderators combined ID. :wink:
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