SPRING GAME SOON!! You Know You're From Nebraska When... "Vacation" means going to Omaha for the weekend. You use your life savings to go to the Nebraska-Colorado game. You know the Woodmen Tower is not made of wood. You know you cannot tube "upstream." You know what the "sea of red & white" You wake up when it's dark, and go to bed when it's still light. You can tell it's really a farmer working late in his field, and not a UFO. You know the difference between field corn and sweet corn when they are still on the stalk. You pick up all the free stuff at the State Fair. You can eat an ear of corn with no utensils in less than 20 seconds. You fly your American flag at halfmast when the Cornhuskers lose a football game. You know how to pronounce Beatrice, Norfolk and Kearney. You think Highway 6 is more scenic that I-80, which you think is the best thing to come out of Iowa. You don't understand why other states even bother to try raising beef. You believe that the worst steak in Nebraska is still better than any other steak, anywhere. You believe that vegetarians should be banned in Nebraska. You don't have to be told what Aksarben is or that it's Nebraska spelled backward. You take pride in knowing that on Saturdays, Memorial stadium is the third largest city in the state. Kitty Clover potato chips and Robert's Milk were are the best part of a meal. You know that the statue on the dome of the state capital is actually sowing seed - not bowling. You know what a Runza is. You call lunch "dinner" and dinner "supper." You think it's normal to get a side of spaghetti at a steakhouse. You avoid Omaha because you're afraid of getting mugged.
I once stayed over night in North Platte on a trip cross country. Recently I read a book telling how North Platte had a canteen for army troops during World War 2. Every train would stop there and the townspeople would fill them up with snacks and kisses. I also hear that just recently they tore down that train depot. Bet you didnt know that Mr Husk!
Hey I'm sure JIF can tape some exhibition baseball games for you. Of course on sundays you can get NASCAR and Arena Football.
You Know You're From Nebraska When... <r>You Know You're From Nebraska When...<br/> ...<br/> <br/> When you don't use proper grammar and you capitalize every word.<br/> <br/> When you have 3925 posts on THE SKYBOX.<br/> <br/> When you get lost walking to your neighbors house because it's so far away.<br/> <br/> When your forced to hibernate after the Nebraska Cornhuskers football season is over.<br/> <br/> When you're favorite college football team is named the cornhuskers<br/> <br/> When your exciment for the day is watching your corn turn from green to yellow.<br/> <br/> When you have no professional sports teams.<br/> <br/> When your state is famous for being the founder of Arbor Day<br/> <br/> How do you know when you're staying in a motel room in Nebraska?"<br/> <br/> "You call the front desk to say you've gotta leak in the sink and they say go ahead!"<br/> <br/> You know you're from Nebraska when: <br/> <br/> 1. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.<br/> 2. "Vacation" means going to Omaha for the weekend.<br/> 3. You measure distance in hours.<br/> 4. You know several people who have hit deer more than once.<br/> 5. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.<br/> 6. You use a down comforter in the summer (because you run the A/C at 55 degrees).<br/> 7. Your grandparents drive at 65 mph through 13 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.<br/> 8. You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events.<br/> 9. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.<br/> 10. You think of the major food groups as beer, beef, and beans.<br/> 11. You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them.<br/> 12. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.<br/> 13. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.<br/> 14. You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel pajamas.<br/> 15. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, construction<br/> 16. It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town.<br/> <br/> <br/> . <E>:lol:</E></r>
8) Hey Lil Gonz....you socked it to HuskerObject....man...that scruffnecked Marine got his butt put into a sling by a teenager...Wow Man LG....you are definitely up the tree......I love it Go Canes The Gonz.....bringing up the family the right way
That reminds me of a bumber sticker from that era... WILL THE LAST AMERICAN TO LEAVE MIAMI, PLEASE TAKE THE FLAG WITH YOU.
If they ever open up Cuba again, there is a treasure trove of 40's and 50's automobiles for American collectors to drool over. Terry
:roll: Wow 2 Gonzo's Huskerfan looks as it we are going to have our hands full.... Looks as if the apple doesnt fall from the tree maybe little gonzo is young enough to learn a few things from the masters of the board .......
Good Lord. Any Gonzo commenting on other people's grammar is as useful as Forest Gump critiquing Einstein's math theories.
Mama always said "Life is like a Miami FB recruit, you can't judge a boy by what the police records say...."
little gonzo Junior Skybox Member Joined: 08 Mar 2006 Posts: 18 Location: Miami Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:08 pm Post subject: You Know You're From Nebraska When... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You Know You're From Nebraska When... ... When you don't use proper grammar and you capitalize every word. When you have 3925 posts on THE SKYBOX. ===================================== Lil G......that was hilarious!!! The Gonz he's got the genes!!!