Wow! What a vile, uncalled-for denigration of a man's very public career. If you want to jump on that wagon, be my guest. I want no part of it. From this moment on, Sal whats-his-name is dead to me. I have no feeling of adulation for Favre, but to sit at a typewriter without ever having played the game and pick apart a guy's career on the basis of inaccurate and self-serving comparisons with one of the NFL's greatest teams of an earlier era is nothing but mean-spirited and attention mongering BS. This writer is doing no more than pandering to people who feel like you do. I thought we had ended this conversation on a civil note.
Sid, as far as our conversation goes (i.e. the conversation between you and I), it's over whenever you decide. There are other people here though that are still interested in discussing this topic. I didn't post this article specifically to call you out by any means. I didn't think the article was mean-spirited at all. In fact, I thought it was well thought out and fully supported by an abundance of facts. He didn't take a personal attack on Favre. He simply stated that he hasn't been the same QB in over a decade and the media has given him a pass on it. He also supplied the numbers to back it up.
This is just a sidebar to the whole Favre story. I had breakfast with Commish this morning in NYC. He was heading to Green Bay this afternoon. As some of you know, he's responsible for newstand distribution for SI and some other Time-Life titles. The folks in Wisc. absolutely must adore the guy. Consider that in a state with about 5 and 1/2 million people, they've sold over 800,000 copies of the magazine.
If your bar is set at a career winning percentage of 41%, and 50 more INTs than TDs, then yeah, he was winner. :roll:
One thing about Joe was that he had HOF style!! But his career was certainly hurt by his knee injuries and lack of mobility. But he was worthy of the HOF if for no other reason than Super Bowl III.