It's 0630 and we have snow. Accumulation of almost one inch! Almost all schools have closed in the state. Cars forced to drive slower than 80 mph. Visibility poor. Dogs and cats lying down together. It's the end of the world as we know it.... :roll:
Hmmm... Let's see, gonna be 55 and sunny here today. Up to 65 tomorrow, and 70 on Sunday. I think I'll just stay right here in big D...
It looks like its just about run its course here in the Trenton area. We've probably got 3 or 4 inches. Its supposed to turn to sleet around noon. I'm sure glad I'm not in Florida missing this. :roll:
Up to 3-4 inches JIF and still snowing in Monmouth county at almost 10A. Buckeye T, if I could have got the 7A Spirit golfers flight out of AC to Myrtle, rented a car and driven to Wilmington.
Not to worry Krebsie, highs are going to be in the 60's but its raining like hell.....we got washed out. Tomorrow we have an annual event down here called "Superintendents Revenge". Just as it sounds.....maintenance equipment left in the middle of fairways, bunkers mined with massive foot imprints, pin placements in the most ridiculous positions....e.g., flagsticks at 45 degree angles given the cup is on the slope, etc, etc. Any of you guys played in one of these things? My partner and I managed to win the thing last year....we had a big time!
It's all freezing rain here in DC. I called my boss at 7:30 this morning and she insisted I stay home. Now I find out she went into work after she talked me into staying out. Talk about feeling guilty.
Snow? Oh I thought you were all wearing White T-Shirts today or something to make some sort of statement!!. 70 for most of the weekend, cool overnight, some rain!
5 degrees when I woke up Wed. am in Chicago... 84 degrees today in Marco Island, Florida. Caught a 26 inch Redfish ( 6 pounds ) and had him broiled up for dinner tonight after a couple of Rum Runners..... Life has improved to say the least since Wed....