C'mon Jif...you can relate to this stuff.... These guys drive just like Boston drivers...only with a lot more courtesy! :lol:
Just saw your question Stu. The best way to tell is if you're able to select a driver or not. If they don't have a checkbox next to their name they aren't running in that race. There are 43 cars that race in every Nextel Cup race. NASCAR gives automatic berths to the top 35 teams in car owner points, starting with the sixth race. For the first five races the previous season's owner points are used. The next seven berths (36-42) are determined by who ran the fastest qualifying runs of the non-gauranteed drivers. The 43rd and last spot is given to any past champion that failed to qualify. If there is no one that fits that bill, the last spot goes to the eighth fastest non-guaranteed driver. Something that jumped up and bit me a while back was that my "C" list driver failed to qualify for a race and I didn't know it until the race had started. Now I check my list every Saturday (or Sunday) morning to make sure that the person I have selected is indeed racing that weekend. This almost happened to Brian Vickers this weekend, and anyone who had him activated would have scored zero points with him. His car is owned by somone who is not in the top 35 from last year so he had to qualify on his own. He barely made it and will start 43rd. If Johnny Sauter hadn't crashed (he was beating Vicker's time easily), or if past champion Bill Elliot wanted to race this weekend he would have recieved the 43rd spot, and Vickers would have not made the field. Make sure you check your picks each weekend.
Thanks for the heads up!...Didn't realize that you could change your active drivers after Friday. Tried to read the rules but I am learning impaired...wouldn't expect that sneaky Tom McCord to help. :lol:
I can't win for losing in this league. I just got finished saying that I wish the race was over because on lap 90, 3 of my drivers were running 1st, 3rd, and 4th, with my C driver in 24th. 17 laps later, that car in 4th place slams the wall hard. I almost pulled Stewart in favor of Johnson but didn't. The good thing is that I would bet a lot of other guys selected Stewart in the A group as well.
Of course... I was WRONG! Only one other person, the leader of our 10 person group, chose Stewart. :x
jjjjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeezus <t>i thought i saved my changes pulling Stewart in favor of Johnson?!?!?!? oh well, I knew there was no way Stewart would make it 4 in a row.. that's really weird..</t>
Yes, Stewart, the last place finisher. :roll: My guys finished 2nd, 11th, 24th and 43rd. I’ll still be in last place after this week is totaled. :?
Actually, now that I look at what others did this week, I still have a chance of moving up to 8th or 9th. My number 1 goal right now is to get ahead of Carl Becker (CB). I don't mind friendly banter with you guys. I work with Carl and have to listen to him on a daily basis. :x
oh! <t>kindly disregard. i brain farted while posting.<br/> <br/> i went back and forth all week between johnson and stewart.. and junior vs newman. i wasn't 'feeling' stewart all week but i didn't think johnson had it in him either. those are my two a-list drivers.. i just didn't see johnson winning it for a 4th time.. but oh well...<br/> <br/> Well, as WT Sherman once said... onto Atlanta.</t>
Yesterday with six laps to go I'm looking at a 300 point week. All of a sudden there goes Gordon into the wall and I'm screwed. I can't count the number of times that has happened to me. What, no sympathy?
Bob <t>that does suck.. I'm still enraged over the whole Stewart thing.. but your story is certainly more gutting.</t>
Hey Bob, I had Gordon also. So far I've used him all three times and he's gone out of the race twice. That only leaves me 6 more times I can use him.
Bill <t>I had Gordon a few years ago and he did me in a similar manner. I tossed that SOB as far as I could from my team and he went on a run that would have produced massive points.<br/> <br/> You just never know.</t>
Great... I start teaching a night class tonight. The Tennessee men's BB team plays the last regular season game at home with a tip off at 13:30 central. The NASCAR race starts at 13:20. The Tennessee Lady Vols play in the SEC tourney final at 18:30. A veritable cornucopia of sports events for a Tennessee/NASCAR fan and I am going to bed at 13:00. ARGH!!!
Huge week for Gator Bill. Points haven't been assigned yet but he may have jumped from 4th to 1st. All four of his drivers finished top 10. Congrats Bill! Sorry for you guys who had Edwards; he looked like gold with about thirty laps left.