The Patriots lose on 4th quarter comebacks to two different Mannings two years in a row. I had mixed emotions for this game, I love the way the Patriots play unselfish football and they are a great team, on the other hand the Giants are a great story and now Eli Manning has proved he is right their with big brother Peyton. Then of course I am also a long time Dolphin fan. Anyway both teams played really well, the thing I did not understand is Bellicheck leaving the field like he did.
One of the best Super Bowls I've seen in a long time, I think maybe the 49ners win over the Bengals with Joe Montana at the helm for the game winning drive was as good. Giants defense was really terrific and Eli had the magic tonight not Tom Brady. That catch by Tyree will go down as maybe the greatest catch in Super Bowl history. Terry
Well he did come over to Tom Coughlin and congratulate him, before the officals said there had to be a last play...then he left the field. I don't really see it as bad sportsmanship. Hanging around to watch the winners celebrate is not real common in championship games in any sport. Terry
I just found out after posting that he congratulated Coughlin, however I think that it reflected bad on the NFL for them to leave the field. The announcers even said that there were not enough defensive players. I guess it's not as big of a deal as I thought, but I do think he might think about how he reacts after losing a game.
Bill, I agree with you, bush league to leave the field when your team is still playing the game, and Terry, I agree with you, the Giants defense should have been the MVP. Great game.
I agree except for one thing: Eli had to pull away from defenders when he was extremely close to being sacked. If he did not free himself, the pass would not have been made and the circus catch could not have happened. I told Cindy: "That play will be the play of the game if the Giants pull off the win."
Damn...i turned off after Pats went ahead...missed the " Billy Buckner" missed tackle of Eli! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I didn't understand the Jags sitting back and thinking they could cover the Pats recievers, and San Diego did somewhat the same thing. You have to come after Brady and hit him and knock him down to get him off of his stride. That is what the Giants did and there were a number of times that he missed open recievers, no doubt hurring a little because of the sacks that he'd already had. Terry
I agree Tom, I think the whole play was unbelievable, how Manning got out of that sack is unreal and the catch was unreal. It's almost that they had to win after those two unbelievable efforts. Manning won the MVP for his efforts so highlighting the catch is fair.
Went to bed after the Pats scored Jif? How could you do that in this game? :roll: :roll: This was perhaps the best Super Bowl game of all time.
Jif you went to bed? That's what you call confidence in your team! What a way to wake up this morning thinking you won and finding out you lost. Pats will be favorites again next year to win it all no doubt but I have to wonder about that Pat defense. Vrabel, Brusci, Seau, Harrison are all getting up there in years.
I heard early in the game that one of the Pats' veteran LBS said, when they lose the LBs are old. When they win, the LBs are experienced.
We were discussing something last night; has there ever been a more crushing loss in professional sports? When the Bosox lost the '86 Series they'd already lost 70+ games that season. When the Jets beat the Colts in Super Bowl III the Colts wweren't undefeated. To go 18-0 only to lose the big one ...... man, is that as bad as it gets?