I could see this one comming, he's had only minimal success in restoring the Redskins to the type of team that they were when he was there before. I wonder who Synder will throw a buttload of money at now to coach them? Gibbs Retires
LOL! If I had been drinking coffee when I read Gip's post, my monitor would have shorted out from the shower. :lol: :lol:
Pretty funny gipper, but who knows whether it might be true! Only the Shadow knows! Snyder and Petrino might be a match made somewhere for each other.
I was stunned. The night before he was interviewed on the local news here and said things like, "we need to keep him with us," and ,"next year we need to ...." and things like that. Twenty four hours later he resigned. At his last pressor he said something very subtle but said everything you need to know about why he quit: As he talked about his three year old grandson (who is battling leukemia) his smile and laughter disappeared and he said, "We had a birthday party for him back home (in North Carolina). They made a video ....(pause) ... and I wasn't in it." The italicized part he said very quickly and softly like he was embarrassed about it. Not sure if anyone else picked up on that, but it was very telling to me. I agree that he did little to restore the Redskins. He did make two playoff appearances, and are way better off for having him back, but the Skins were never an elite team under him this second time around. At least they aren't the total embarrassment they were under Spurrier. I won't miss Joe Gibbs the game day coach, but I will miss Joe Gibbs the Dan Snyder advisor. Snyder had such admiration for Gibbs that he let him run the show and he's never done that with anyone else. Now that Gibbs is gone Snyder is free to hire and fire anyone he likes, grossly overpay for 36 year old free agents, and generally turn the team back into the disaster it was four years ago.
Hi Terry, I think Williams is a good option. He knows the team and the players and they all like him. Even the offensive players have been publically campaigning for him. Snyder is such a fruitcake who knows what he'll do.