obviously have never been in Gainesville on a warm day. You would never forget what you saw if you did....and I mean that in the best possible way.. :wink:
What are the relative populations of Gainesville -v- So Cal again? If I had to choose, I'd be a strong lean towards LA myself...
Alrighty time I am in Gainesville for a game I will think of you guys and your misguided opinions as I gaze...drool....stare....or whatever at the feminine scenery in various stages of undress due to the heat......think long tannned legs surrounded by bluejean shorts topped with sun-bleached blond hair and bare midriffs. Yeah.....that's the ticket!
doh <r>Its like Rick is taunting me to join the love train here.<br/> <br/> <IMG src=""><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> There is always good times here in the south. The beautiful woman are plentiful and fun is always afoot around the SEC camp.. Football is a 365 day affair. <br/> <br/> Today, they are re-enacting the Mississippi State ambush of Alabama where Saban gets 'Croomed.'<br/> <br/> <IMG src=""><s></e></IMG></r>
Bobda, In addition to the Irish I'm also a Maryland fan who has suffered through four years of beatings administered by RichRod and the Mountaineers. This guy can coach and his program hasn't had a whiff of trouble in it. Their fans are a bunch of idiots but the football team is on its way to its fifth straight New Years bowl. I'm a little surprised he's leaving because he's a West Virginia native (and alum), but I guess the opportunity to coach the Wolverines was too much to pass up. The Maryland faithful won't admit it, but they're relieved he's gone. Congrats, you've got a good one, and I hope the Irish whip your asses every fall.
I hear that, Buck-T. To be fair, all campuses have their share of hotties, though the campuses in warm weather climes do get more publicity. Just beware of the wimmens in Tempe...
Having spent the better part of two months cumulative in LA in the last 10 years I can vouch for LA as well to be sure. Ah....the 3rd Street Promenade on a Sunday afternoon.... :wink: 8)
The locals and tourists alike go there BDR. I have also spent many a night at The Lobster bar and I can speak with certainty that many locals go there as well as a few out of towners. I got to know the bartender there over the years and he always helped me to make friends quickly.....nice guy that Danny. The bars on Ocean Drive at night have mostly local patrons I have found. But then again I understand how you feel. Growing up in Florida we were inundated by out of staters all the time and it almost became annoying. In LA what few natives there are probably get to feel the same way. Even the "locals" almost always it seems are not from LA. Which one are you....native...or transplanted?
the locals in LA <r>have found their new friends in town from out of state and have them hang out with the tourists <E></E></r>
What kind of attitude is that? Don't Floridians recognize how much money tourism brings in? How many jobs it creates? With that kind of attitude it's no wonder property taxes required a special session of the FL legislature this year. We love tourists. They fill hotels, rent cars and eat in our restaurants. They buy T-shirts and maps to the homes of the stars and crowd into the double-decker tour buses that roll slowly down Hollywood Boulevard. They ask the vendors on Olvera Street if they accept American money. We even love Florida tourists, even though they tell us they have palm trees too (we know) and then ask for directions to Britney Spears' house. And if a tourist wanders into one of our bars, we welcome them with open arms. Yessir, we love tourists. We just don't tell them where the really hot chicks are.
When I have been in LA it has been on business but certainly when dining at Duke's in Malibu you could say I felt like a tourist gazing out at the Pacific sunset even though I would bet that many residents also enjoy that view. When having a Bloody Mary at the Polo Lounge I definitely felt like a tourist even though I could overhear movie deal convos in the next booth. Last year however when I was hanging out at the bar in the J restaurant downtown I did not feel like a tourist and I don't think any were around. When I stumbled into a neighborhood bar in Beverly Hills owned by Sting I would say I was the only out of towner there that night although I couldn't go upstairs because of the private party...which happens a lot in LA. We could p*ss on about this all day but let me say I am usually very aware when I am in a tourist area and when I am not and normally I choose the non-tourist area as much as possible ( except in places like South Beach ) or least a decent mix. In Dallas for instance I always choose Uptown over West End. Granted Santa Monica has it's full share of tourism but it is also 25 minutes from Hollywood and surrounding areas and just up the road from Marina Del Rey so it draws some pretty decent crowds on a weekend night. In any event BDR I am certain you have some spots in your LA travel log that I would never see on my own. I will be back in town next November so maybe you could show me some of them.
Question about beautiful Gainesville. Is it a tourist destination? I know people go to Tampa/St. Pete, and lots of places on the west coast and same for the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area but I've never heard of anybody going to Gainesville to vacation. Austin Texas however would still be a destination for people visiting Texas with or without the University of Texas. It has a lot more going on then just football in the fall. Can Gainesville say the same?