10 inch storm just moving in..how much did you get out of this? Another N'Easter due right at kickoff time Sunday!
I'll never understand why you people up north won't build stadiums that have the capabilty of closing the roof when you have really bad weather. Forget the fans comfort, how about a real game instead of slipping all over on icy fields, etc. It's nuts, it's stoneage thinking, we are much more enlightened here in Texas!
JIF, Let me tell you how to find Texas. Go west until you smell it. Head south until you step in it. 8)
You got that right.... I took a few beatdowns from Franciscan nuns in the 60s... we called them "crows". In the 4th a nun with a gnarled, grotesque wooden prosthetic right arm guillotined me over the head right in class. Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger....
I started in kindergarten in 1949. Many knuckle-rapping and trips-to-the-principal's-office years later, my "experiences" with the good sisters peaked in my senior year in HS. My French teacher, Sister Mary Henry, who was no younger than 80, came up behind me while I was talking in class and wapped me in the back of the head with our French textbook. It was a big book but I don't recall that it hurt. What I do recall is that I did my level best to keep a straight face while the rest of the class laughed their butts off.
God is sick and tired of the Cheatriots and feels it's only right that the honest Jets be the ones to end their perfection, so he has decided to bring in the weather to help. Honest Eric was only doing the right thing by kindly telling Mr. Belichik that videotaping te signs is against the rules. It was the godly thing to do. :twisted:
I just love a white Christmas... Of course, I live in Southern California, where I can watch the Global Warming from my lawnchair.
Of course you are right, and righteous, Son of AJNJ. Hit your knees and join me in prayer... "Oh God, You are a vengeful God. You're favorite colors are green and white. You will not allow the heathen Patriots to prosper from their dealings with the Devil. The Devil is named Belichek and he hides his hideous evil behind K-Mart hoodies and baggie pants. Give the Jets the strength to fight this evil with the fortitude of the heavens and the ferocity of the Franciscans. Amen." :twisted: