Please note that the jingle for the Johnny Reb Cannon is "We'll all be gay when Johnny comes marching home" ! :shock: Ten Most Dangerous Toys of All Time Fortunately I never owned any of those toys. Although the most dangerous toy I can remember from my youth, was the spring loaded dart pistols. They had suction cups on the end of the dart, you shot them at the bullseye....well that was the intention. But at my house we shot them at each other without any eye protection. And how did a Daisy Air Rifle not make that list. Terry
I had Jarts and Creepy Crawlers. No problems with the lawn darts but I suffered more than a few 1st and 2nd degree burns making the Crawlers. We used to have neighborhood fights with the Daisy air rifles. My best friend shot me right above the right eye with a BB from ten feet away. My mom had to pull the BB out with a pair of tweezers. Then she hit me over the head repeatedly with her shoe. For that I had to kick my buddy's ass. We're still friends though.
Top this one. Jarts were in vogue back in the very early 70s. We were playing in my in-laws' yard. It was I and my mother-in-law vs. my wife and father-in-law. My mother-in-law was on the other end from me. It was summer of course and she was wearing sandals. Have you guessed where this is going? Yep. I tossed a jart. It landed - I thought - perilously close to her foot. She looked up with a shocked expression. It had landed in her foot, causing an ugly puncture wound. I asked her to stand still while we determined who got the points for being closest to the circle. Just kidding, of course. Needless to say the game was over and we took her to the emergency room. I/we never played the game again.
I must have been deprived...I only owned three of those toys. :twisted: When my Mom died and my Dad moved to a condo, he started going through and asking what we "kids" wanted to have...I didn't want the pictures, the clocks, the TV's, or anything... just the Jarts! :shock: Still got 'em...ah the memories of playing catch with my best friend. (One-eyed Rick.)
We had the lawn darts (GREAT game), and I burned the hell out of my fingers with the creepy crawlers a few times.