Kind of in defense of HH and Tom, here's what his childhood friend, Samari Rolle had to say. It looks like Sean was trying to get away from the bad influences, they may not have been too happy about that. No matter what it is, he was making a strong effort to grow up and raise his daughter the right way. It's a real shame.
Well, it gets worse with the cane head coach fabriacting lies about incidents at UF, and probably other schools, in an interview with the local paper: These are just bold face lies. One incident took place in 2005 .... the infamous accidental discharge of a rifle by a Ken Tookes, UF WR, at an apartment of a former UF DB, Dee Webb. Webb owned the rifle and Tookes was moronically, stupidly, prfoundly irresponsibly screwing around with a weapon he didn't know was loaded. Meyer let the receiver back on the team for and I think he had 5 or 6 receptions. The other incident was this past summer where Ronnie Wilson, a starting olineman, got into a disagreement with another guy that evolved into Wilson firing a gun into the air. Here's the story: Wilson is not on the team for 2007 and does not have a scholly. However, I believe he is enrolled at UF and is working through the legal process to resolve his case and penalty. Walerr Odom dies in Dade County in his early/mid 30s after an extended illness. I guess it IS just a "cane thang".
Police have detained three people in connection with the case; two teenagers and a 26 year old. No one charged yet.
Four kids arrested, three of them teens, none of whom lived anywhere near Taylor or even knew him. Guess that shoots the "thug life" theory all to hell.