It seems alarmingly clear that the Bush administration has been doing just that for some time now. From pre-911 warnings from Dick Clarke and others to Colin Powell to it's own intelligence community it seems as if these guys at the top shoot the messenger repeatedly if he does not bring the message they want to hear.... I'm not saying that the Dems would do things anything different because I don't know that to be a certainty but I am alarmed and concerened about the mess these guys have created in Iraq and frankly I hope they turn the reins over to another administration of either party before they embark on the next war/invasion. Again, I will state that I will always applaud this group for their heavy-handed resolute response in Afghanistan for 9-11 but that too was more reactionary instead of proactively preventing it in the first place.
Well I can't imagine them getting involved in another armed conflict anytime soon. I actually don't blame them for the current situation in Iraq, I backed them going into Iraq and still think it was the right thing to do. I never needed all that stuff on WMD's. I thought 41 screwed up when he didn't take out Saddam in the last gulf war. But after the fact, the Iraqis have acted completely differently than any another oppressed country that has been liberated in History. Would would have thought they would resent our mere presence on their soil even 1 day after deposing Saddam. It's just mind boggling to me. Terry
The thing that really gripes me is that 9/11 was several years in the planning, it was executed on Bushes watch sure, but it was totally setup and ready to go on Clintons watch and he never knew it and yet the Dems put the entire blame on Bush.
Obviously for these Muslims being liberated by Americans is like the Hatfields being let out of jail by the McCoys. Thanks for the break now scram, etc. 9-11 and these events in Iraq have brought to light a feeling...a vibe... I have always percieved by many (not all) Muslim businessmen (gas stations, party stores) here in the Detroit area. They almost grit their teeth sometimes through their smiles. Their underlying distaste for us and their arrogance towards us is always just under the surface it seems. It's like me trying to be friendly with the store clerk in Tenn. while wearing my Gator jacket. They will make the sale and even smile but they are damned glad to see me go.
MCG, You might want to try what I do when in one of those establishments and they happen to have a deli-counter. Order a 1/4 lb of ham....thin sliced :twisted: (gorrilla warfare)