Members, Earlier it was suggested that we rename the contest in honor of Andy. The moderators have discussed this behind the scenes. Stu just made a suggestion for which I am in favor. What if we rename the trophy. Next year, we would still have the 2008 Skybox contest. However, 1st place would receive the trophy named after Andy. If you are not in favor of this, select the vote option to vote against this. If you are in favor, vote on the name of the trophy you like best This poll will run for 30 days.
Damn!...corrected again. :wink: FWIW I wasn't sure so I made sure to check the spelling. The only problem was I checked it against Terry's post! :shock:
Sounds like a popular suggestion. Let's give this poll about two weeks and we can start another for a run off between the top two suggestions.
I haven't chimed in, but to be honest I think all of them are awesome and the fact that you are doing this is really awesome. My dad would have called me the instant he got the trophy had he been alive to win it, telling me I had to come over right away to see it. It would have been on his mantle forever. As you all know, my dad was a pretty laid back and friendly guy. To his friends, he was always Andy. So personally speaking, I think "The Andy" would be what he would love it to be called. Whatever you decide is really an honor to my dad and to my family. I told my stepmother that the trophy was coming to her house and she thought it was one of the sweetest things. It really lifted her up, as it did me. Thanks guys.
There has been no change in this topic for quite some time. I am closing this announcement and changing it to a note that will move down the list if I can. The new announcement will be a run off between "The Andy" and “The Jaskewicz”
OK... I thought that my post to change this from an announcement to a note and stating that there will be a new announcement with the run off would be enough to let this topic slide down the list. I guess not. Locking this topic.