Seems like factual and accurate criticism about Notre Dame's worst season ever in its history is not allowable on this forum If it was Miami at 1-6 I would take it like a man and not resort to "locking" or "cnanging titles" to avoid viable discussions based on, I repeat, actual football related circumstances. What do the rest of you say?......lets see if we can keep this one from being deleted, locked or re-edited .........does the right to a free speeck apply to all except Notre Dame subjects? Do you think for one minute I would have, if I could, locked or edited Miami topics?....of course not. Lets hear it from all fronts....can the Gonz be heard without the "mute button" or are we too sensitive to be criticized on accurate information and facts?
It's how you go about it Gonzo. That's the whole issue. You seem like you are more interested in trashing the University and the football program more so than you are interested in discussing the problems.
This is a private board, Zo. You have no first amendment protections here since the 1st Amendment only applies to government infringement of free speech. In other words, an employee of yours cannot come into your office and trash you, your wife, and children and then seek 1st Amendment protection from being canned since the 1st Amendment does not regulate speech ( or speeck) between individuals.
Point One: In the past, every time Miami has taken the pipe you have vanished. Point Two: I have asked you repeatedly about the current state of Miami football and you don't ever respond Point Three: Your posts on ND football are pure flaming and nothing more. Incendiary statements meant to cause unrest. Point Four: I am fairly certain that I have 100% backing on this from my fellow SkyBoxers. If not, please speak up. Point Five: You are capable of much better. Your insistance on always taking the low road makes you easy to censor.
I think you're much smarter than MCG and your posts are much more informative, well-reasoned and sincere...
No you wouldn't, you'd take it like the Cane fan you are and disappear for months. You've done it in the past and will do it again.
Thanks for your input JO'Co, but I would invite you to look at how many locked topics have come about because of MCG. Right now he holds the record but Gonzo could well challenge. Gonzo, well reasoned, accurate and intelligent discussion will not be locked or edited. Many of yours do not measure up to that standard. And regardless of what you say your posts are not factual and accurate. You were clearly reminded of the standard before you came back and were told we were enforcing it more. That still stands. So if you want to carry on intelligent, factual, accurate and adult conversation then do it in an adult manner without flaming. Is there a new push to enforce that standard, yes for the last several months. But guess what it only affects a very few people, you being one. Have a great day.
Oh, George let me say that I agree with you right down the line and should have said so in my first sentence in my last post. Gonzo you need to read George's and other posts here in this topic. You wanted to hear? I think what's being said here is loud and clear!
In case you didn't understand MCG my comment to JO'Co was sarcastic! But the rest of what I said stands. You have the record so far for locked topics, we'll see if Gonzo wants to challenge.
Look MCG, I'm not exactly comparing yours and Gonzo's style. What I am saying is that both of you need to modify your style. I think you are trying, we'll see if Gozno wants to try or if he wants to keep pushing the envelope. However MCG I think you need to realize how others perceive you and that perception frequently is reality. You've taken some hits the last couple of days and it wasn't from me so think about it!
I don't know about that, but Roasted pig of Sanabria is definitely in the air.... LOL!! Thats funny....I don't care who you are..... LTCG sends....
Well, why not start with a discussion of former Miami player and current (but suspended) Baylor football coach Eric Schnupp. Is this just another "cane thang"?? :wink:
personally <r>I think Gonzo is capable of better.<br/> <br/> That being said, his posts don't bother me. In fact, they provide an avenue for a good ole fashioned pinata whacking.<br/> <br/> <IMG src=""><s></e></IMG></r>
Corey, I don't care if he provides the target for pin the tail on the donkey! This board was founded on the premise that flaming is prohibited. Gonzo starts topics that could be named something like Tupelo University for the Decrepit has a down year. He chooses to name them Tupelo University for the Decrepit sucks turtle turds. :shock: He does not see the difference or he does not care. If he chooses to continue, we will continue to “help him through this”. We are all about helping others. :wink: