Hi, I am AJNJ's (Andy)son. Unfortunately my father passed away on October 1st. He had a heart attack and went instantly. He was 51 years old. I have found alot of forums that he was a part of that I never knew about, including this one. I also post on a NY Jets forum and know how these communities can really be a fun place to chat with people and have some great debates. I just wanted to let you know in case you wondered where he has been lately. My dad was the greatest man I know, and I will miss him dearly. I just wanted to thank you all for giving him a place where he could retreat and chat about college football, which he loved so much. Mike
Oh my God, I am so sorry. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I live right down the GSP from you guys at Exit 98. As I recall Andy's office was in Kenilwoth(?). We just promised one another we would get together for lunch and a beer within the last two weeks. We never met but conversed off and on both here on SkyBox and in private e-mails. Your dad was among my favorites here and I will miss him very much. George
Hi George, I've been going through his posts and see that you and him were trying to grab a beer. I just found what he wrote in this thread. My heart is broken right now. http://www.theskybox.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2303&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
That's shocking, I'm so sorry. As George said your dad was one of the favorites here, he will be missed. Not as much as you and your family will miss him but he will be missed. Our deepest sympathy to all of you. Gator Bill
Mike, I am both shocked and saddened to learn of Andy's passing, we've been chatting with him about football since the early 90's on Prodigy. He had a great sense of humor about him and knew a lot about football. I will miss him a lot. My condolences to you and your whole family. Terry
Oh, AJ. :cry: Andy the Lion. Nit fan. Jersey guy. Tax wonk. Libertarian. Punmeister. I'm going to miss you. Thanks for years of great conversations and helping to make this arrested development boys club such a fun place to be. You'll never be forgotten. And Mike - thank you for coming onto the board to let us know. If you have a picture of Andy you could post, I'd sure appreciate it. I'm very sorry for your family's loss and hope you find comfort in knowing that Andy was so universally well-regarded.
I am very saddened by this news Mike. What a great guy he was here and his wit....never too biting or critical....will be sorely missed. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. Motorcity Gator - Dave
Mike, So sorry and sad to hear the new about the passing of your father. Thank you so much for sharing this information on the Skybox. We certainly will miss him here as well. Don
Here's what Andy wrote about Mike: I'm so glad that Mike found this. Andy was quite a guy and obviously a great father.
Here's his last post to me as well as my response.... Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:57 am Post subject: Hey Krebs !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Krebs, I passed by your business the other day and heard this music blasting from your warehouse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30OK8Ac-dyw Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:03 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJ, You better never drive by my office without stopping or I'll send a couple of the boys for you! We have to meet for some food or adult beverages. Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:42 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of these days George. I would love to! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike, I'm taking a rain check on that beer with your dad. What a guy!
Thanks for taking the time Mike. I can't imagine how hard it must be... Your Dad will be missed in a great many places. Our thoughts and prayers to you and the family...
Mike... I am so very sorry. Im in a state of shock. Andy and I were in constant E mail touch with each other. We shared the ups and downs of the stock market together. We have been "friends" on these boards for close to 14 years now. Your dad was always a gentleman and I will miss him. He often spoke of the relgious ties that he and I shared, as remote as they were. My condolences to your entire family. Joel Feinberg
I am very sorry and deeply saddened to learn of your loss, Mike. Your Dad was a class guy who enhanced the quality of life for all of us for many years with his intelligent and witty posts. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
I appreciate all the well wishes. Like I said, I have been reading though all his posts. The one he wrote about me still has me in tears. My Dad raised me by himself since I was 7 years old. He was 28 when he took custody of me. He saved my life and he was the greatest father in the world. I am devastated that he is gone so soon, but I am blessed for the time we had together and the things he did for me. On my wedding day we went for a long walk and I got to look him in the eye and thank him for all he did for me, and told him that I realized all the sacrifices he made and how much I appreciated and loved him. We shared an emotional hug that day and he looked at me and told me how proud he was. I will always cherish that moment. It's really nice to see how active he was here and that he got to talk so much about college football. I have always been a bit more of an NFL fan (Jets fan) but we would always talk about Penn State and college football. If I'm not mistaken his last post here was around 6pm that Monday night. He passed about an hour and a half afterwards. When I get a moment tonight I will link up a photo for you guys. He was an incredible man and an incredible father.
Mike Let me add my sympathies to those of my fellow Skyboxers. He was a wonderful part of our "island community" and will be greatly missed. God's blessing on your family.
For once <t>I am at a loss for words. Our prayers are with your family Mike. Your father, I felt, made those around him better. At least from what I gathered here, he could inject reason and stability to the nastiest of threads.<br/> <br/> He will be missed.</t>
That's incredibly sad. Much to young. We lost a good one. Many Condolences from this Nebraska fan. Go PENN STATE!
Mike...I am so sad for your loss...and ours as well. Everybody liked AJ...Gerry and I had talked about going out and meeting him sometime...I wish we had done it. We leave a little bit of ourself behind in those whose lives we have touched...obviously your Dad left a lot behind.