:roll: This is the silliest, most transparent, election year phony issue that I've ever seen. The United Arab Emirates have a company that wants to run some port terminals at six locations. So what? It doesn't have anything to do with security and all the politicians know that, but they're whipping up a very convenient, anti-Arab hysteria just in time for the mid-term elections. Republicans get to put distance between themselves and a lame duck president with declining poll numbers, while lib/Dems, who've been undermining our war on terror for years, now get to play "tough" on a national security "issue." This is a ridiculous charade, designed to get all incumbents re-elected... Has anyone noticed that the Chinese Communist government runs port terminals at both Los Angeles and San Francisco? Aren't they the same clowns who have nuclear weapons and have threatened to use them against us on more than one occasion? If anyone really wants to stop the dreaded UAE from threatening our national security, you know where they should go? Tucson, Arizona. That's where the UAE currently trains its fighter/bomber pilots in F-16s. They're up in the air right now, loaded with bombs, and only 20 minutes from Ontario Airport at over a thousand miles per hour...
I don't see it quite as clear as you do. We're a little sensitive to Arabs here in the metro NYC area. With that said, you are probably correct. However, the Bush administration could not have handled this in a clumsier fashion.
Jim, This is one issue where I believe my conservative friends are being myopic. I don't like it, regardless of the facts you bring forth to justify it. It may be a reasonable move, but to do so without even consulting Congress and vetting the decision with the public prior to finalizing the agreement smacks of arrogance and stupidity. It plays directly into the hands of the Democrats and may have a disastrous impact on Republican candidates in the November elections if the issue isn't put to bed soon. Don't misunderstand. I have been a big fan of Bush, and I am no fan of the idiots in Congress. But to paraphrase the immortal words of Jay Leno when interviewing Hugh Grant, What were they (the administration) thinking? Did they truly believe that they could do this under the radar? I'm not very smart, but I am a reasonable businessman. I know that the UAE and its businesses are friends of the US. However, we live in a much different world since 9/11. IMO, the administration has erred miserably in its strategy. They have allowed public perception, however erroneous, to become reality, and this has dug a huge hole for them that will be difficult to get out of. If the administration can overcome this self-made problem, they will be the Houdini of politics. We'll see.
So let me get this straight, the same congress that passed laws telling me that if I own property I can't refuse to rent to some people based on their race, the same congress that said it's against the law to discriminate in employment, now says that certain people are not trusted and we don't have to deal with them. How hypocritical is that. I guess it's OK for us as a nation to racially profile, to discriminate, to disavow tolerance but individually we're forced to. What a great message we're sending to our friends in the Arab world. BTW this story broke last week but the media was too busy with Cheney and his target. It was only after the guy survived that they dragged this story to the surface.
Gip...W was in South Bend yesterday for a fund raiser at Bethel College for Congressman Chis Chocola. Had no idea there was another college in South Bend! Terry
8) Hey Doc.....get wid da program.....he landed in S.B. ....Bethel is in Mishawaka. There was a bit of a flap with the local p.d. about the cost of security for the visit. Mishy has been laying off police and firefighters and other city employees due to a budget crunch. The cops thought "the Count's"( Chris Chocola) campaign fund should pay for the security as it was strictly a campaign visit. As I understand it no local cops were used. :lol:
Does Bethel have a football program, if so maybe during the Davie and Willingham years we should have been going over there on Sat's!! Still party at MBC of course! Terry
:shock: George....who can argue with that!!!!! Last time I saw Ralphie He had his head in a bowling ball bag(repeat last night) Terry: no football for Bethel but they did win the NAIA roundball tourney in their class a few years back. I think it is a Mennonite(sp?) College, so we wouldn't be doing any tailgatin there
re: Ports as a political issue I agree with Sid, that the Bush Administration has handled this badly. So badly in fact, that they've actually allowed the lib/Dems to get to THE RIGHT of them on a national security issue! It doesn't get much worse for a Republican President... On the other hand, I don't agree with Sid, that the White House should have fully vetted this business with the Congress. They tried that on overseas wiretaps and lib/Dem senators leaked everything to the press, gaining a minor victory, but permanently damaging our national security capabilities. Don't forget; one of the folks on the Senate Intelligence Committee is California Senator Diane Feinstein, who once ruined the Hillside Strangler investigation to win a few points in the San Francisco mayor's race. I believe the same thing would have happened again...
You make a valid point, Jim. I certainly don't trust the liberals in Congress to give it a fair shake. I guess that's what makes it a rock-and-hard-spot issue. At this point in time, it is what it is. I hope, for the sake of our country, that something ultimately develops here to stem the momentum the liberal democrats have gained in this unfortunate situation.