Maybe not turmoil... but I see unrest! Now that we are two weeks in, are any Skyboxers (other than the Florida folks) happy with their teams? I can't recall when just about everybody had problems like this year. I sure as hell am not happy. I'm driving over to kp's to borrow his rope. It's several years too late, but you know the old saying... I suspect the Aggies will end up 7-5 if they are LUCKY. Can't wait to hear Bill Byrne spin that into justification for another price increase. :evil:
Hey, I'm happy to be 2-0 against relatively "mild competition" but a ltlle concerned with an inexperienced defense as well as some slack play by WRers and special teams in 2nd half of last evening's game. But that's college football.
Bobda <r>my oh for partner in sorrow. i find this works much better<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src=""><s></e></IMG></r>
No comment until my teams play somebody...a win over Wash. would qualify. The Browns are gonna put me back on my meds, though. :cry:
Scott, I am happy so far. We were supposed to win our first 2 and we did. Arkansas next. After our recent past I am just happy to be scoring some points. Oh and Auburn lost!
I guess my "SEC minefields" topic could be cut and pasted right here. I have to agree with talking heads at ESPN that so far only LSU, Okla and USC ( by default) seem to be untouchable. Florida will know more this Sat. after Tenn but it still will not indicate what might happen vs. LSU. I don't think there is much UF can do with LSU this year.
I have a sense of numbness.....can't even brag about the Canes being able to beat anybody.....Heck we got FIU who is winless next Saturday......don t even feel comfortable about that one either. What exactly is Divine Intervention????
Scott, I guess even the great Aggie mascot is not in the best of moods this season.
But, in Austin, why would anybody care about the score of the game when the real show is at the tailgate:
The guy over her right shoulder is cooking his hand and he doesn't even know it! BTW: Real or Fake.... I'll go for Fake.
I'm not sure, but I bet you the Auburn fan in the picture below is a new example of SEC cheating. I think she used artillery shells as implants.