I also just noticed that one of the five not getting their picks in was our leader, TreeFrog. Get those picks in as early as possible each week. You can always go back in and edit your picks up to the deadline. Having bad picks is better than having no picks at all. :wink:
Hey Tom... You know I'm hating it!!!! Was not aware that there was a Fri night game. Needless to say, I'll be checking in early from now on. How does it work dropping a week? Watching from the sidelines this week...... Thanks Treefrog
It was just luck that I got my picks in, I think it lousy that they threw in Friday night game. There were plenty of games today, there was no reason for it.
Everyone please understand that the games are chosen based upon the top 25. If there is a game on Friday or Thursday for that matter, it can be included in the contest. Get your picks made early and edit them as you need to throughout the week up until 5 minutes before the first game.
This week has no Thursday or Friday games. Get those picks in by 5 minutes before the first game kickoff.
Nine people have not made their picks and one has only made a few choices. Get those picks in as early as you can and edit them later if necessary! :wink:
With four weeks in the books, the leader board is set as follows: 632 AJNJ 630 Gator Bill 622 Bryanspicks 620 jacare1 617 wzt 615 LoneStarIrish 615 PJMIII 612 JO'Co 612 Needsajob 611 IrishHoosier 611 Vol Jeff 608 Stu's Cat 607 Don Ballard 606 kp 605 jryck 605 Treefrog 601 Bring the Pain 601 bama-bobear 597 chunkandrun 597 The Beagles 596 Tennessee Tom's Orange Circus 594 La D Vol 594 Bear Down Rick 592 Geek Tragedy 590 Bobda 586 Rogator 583 NDFAN77 583 BuckeyeT 577 Scott's WAG's 570 mrsjoco 543 MLR 373 AubieGal 326 El Paso Irish
Forgot to post this but it was available on the Yahoo site. Here is the standing order after 5 weeks: 823 AJNJ 810 PJMIII 809 Gator Bill 802 Bryanspicks 796 LoneStarIrish 795 Stu's Cat 793 JO'Co 793 Needsajob 792 wzt 792 IrishHoosier 791 jacare1 786 bama-bobear 786 Vol Jeff 785 Tennessee Tom's Orange Circus 784 Bear Down Rick 783 La D Vol 781 jryck 781 Bring the Pain 780 NDFAN77 779 Don Ballard 777 kp 776 Treefrog 769 chunkandrun 768 The Beagles 768 Rogator 764 BuckeyeT 762 Geek Tragedy 762 Scott's WAG's 755 Bobda 739 mrsjoco 716 MLR 373 AubieGal 326 El Paso Irish
Unfortunately I had to burn my "miss week" while in Miami. Guess I won't recover. If not for that I would have easily defeated you shmucks!! :roll:
Very Odd week. There were only 120 points available if you picked them all correct. So for most of the group that meant that this week was going to be dropped no matter what the score. My worst week so far before this was over 120 points.
Now that six weeks are in the books: 994 AJNJ 983 Gator Bill 976 PJMIII 973 JO'Co 972 Bryanspicks 968 Stu's Cat 968 LoneStarIrish 966 wzt 965 Needsajob 963 IrishHoosier 957 jacare1 952 jryck 952 Bring the Pain 947 Don Ballard 947 Tennessee Tom's Orange Circus 944 La D Vol 941 NDFAN77 937 bama-bobear 935 kp 929 Geek Tragedy 926 chunkandrun 902 mrsjoco 880 MLR 878 Bear Down Rick 868 Vol Jeff 867 Treefrog 859 BuckeyeT 850 Scott's WAG's 847 Rogator 768 The Beagles 755 Bobda 373 AubieGal 326 El Paso Irish
Attention ladies and gentlemen: Thanks to the suggestion of Don Ballard, the moderators put their heads together and decided to award first place to the man that was leading the contest at the time that he was called to his reward. Since we were all playing for second place anyway, the First Place trophy in the 2007 Skybox Football Contest goes to AJNJ Mike, please send an e-mail to theskybox@earthlink.net with the way you would like your father's name engraved in the trophy. We would also like to talk to you about staying around here with us.
What? No comments about the first place award? After seven weeks, First place has already been decided. The race for second is heating up. 1155 Gator Bill 1146 JO'Co 1145 PJMIII 1143 Needsajob 1136 Bryanspicks 1130 wzt 1128 Stu's Cat 1125 Tennessee Tom's Orange Circus 1123 jacare1 1121 kp 1117 LoneStarIrish 1116 IrishHoosier 1114 jryck 1114 La D Vol 1114 NDFAN77 1109 Don Ballard 1107 bama-bobear 1102 Bring the Pain 1100 Geek Tragedy 1097 chunkandrun 1056 mrsjoco 1050 MLR 1048 Bear Down Rick 1044 Vol Jeff 1042 Treefrog 1023 Scott's WAG's 1007 Rogator 859 BuckeyeT 768 The Beagles 755 Bobda 373 AubieGal 326 El Paso Irish
none from me <t>because I think it was a heck of an idea and you guys did the right thing there. it was a nice gesture. i really don't have anything of substance to add to the topic.<br/> <br/> i do, however, have a question... who the hell are all these people in the contest?</t>
Look at the bottom of the list Corey... you'll recognize some of us there! Damn that trip to Miami cost me more than just embarrassment! I really got screwed by that 120pt week!! This would never happen if I was running the contest! 8) Oh... and the first thing I thought when it was revealed that AJ was leading when he passed away was that we should freeze his position. Glad the mods were thinking the same way.
Corey, The names you don't recognize are family of existing members. I think Stu brought in his entire family tree! :shock:
Needsajob is my middle son, Michael, who will graduate from orthodontics residency at St. Louis Univ. this December and has not yet lined up where he will practice. The little b@stard pulled ahead of my cat this week. :x jcryck is my oldest son Jeremy, who lives in Fla. and used to occasionally show up on the Prodigy board years ago MLR is my youngest son, Christopher who lives in Nashville. Obviously I did not educate him well on picking football games.
Gator Bill extends his lead in the race for second place. There is a tie for 3rd, a tie for 5th, and 7th thru 11th are all separated by one point per position. 1272 Gator Bill 1244 Needsajob 1244 JO'Co 1243 PJMIII 1243 Bryanspicks 1229 Stu's Cat 1228 Tennessee Tom's Orange Circus 1227 kp 1226 La D Vol 1225 wzt 1223 jryck 1220 jacare1 1208 IrishHoosier 1207 LoneStarIrish 1205 Don Ballard 1201 bama-bobear 1201 chunkandrun 1199 Bring the Pain 1195 Geek Tragedy 1194 NDFAN77 1170 mrsjoco 1162 Treefrog 1146 Bear Down Rick 1144 MLR 1135 Vol Jeff 1112 Scott's WAG's 1064 Rogator 859 BuckeyeT 768 The Beagles 755 Bobda 373 AubieGal 326 El Paso Irish
In the race for second place, that is true. However, for trophy placement, since AJNJ was declared the winner, Bill is in second place by himself. Needsajob and JO'Co are tied for 3rd with PJMIII and Bryanspicks tied for 5th.