It was a classic perfect storm type of game, a pretty good team that was not respected by the the other team. They let them hang around way too long and bingo you have the big upset. I remember when Mich State got upset by one of the directional Michigan schools, Bo commented that was why he didn't think teams like that should be on the schedule of B10 teams nothing to gain for the B10 team and everything to gain for the MAC squad.
Oh yeah and I don't expect that same Mich team in 2 weeks when the Irish come to Ann Arbor. I expect the old Michigan team to take the field.
Notre Dame isn't the only team that has to worry about the immediate future. Michigan's next three opponents are Oregon, Notre Dame and Penn State...
The worst thing was that I had Mich for 18 confidence points, amazingly a lot of people had them for much less..that hurt in the Picke'm.
Whobedis, I was a little concerned how this new Depakote and Thorazine prescription would interact with Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Ale but so far, so good. I break into uncontrollable crying spells that come on spontaneously but I really don't feel that much different than before. Little calmer than usual. I tend to be high strung by nature. You probably didn't know that about me, did you? My wife has been great about this. She thought I seemed overly-stressed after the game and made reservations for me to stay at what she described as a really neat boutique hotel in Muskegon, right near Lake Michigan. It's pretty cutting edge. All of the employees here seem to be wearing hospital smocks and nametags and the other hotel guests, like myself, are required to wear what Anne told me are "dinner jackets". But they are strange: they are like white spring jackets with sleeves that wrap around and tie down in the back. But the food here is great--much, much better than Anne's cooking--although they really skimp on the utensils for being such an avant guarde place--plastic spoons, can you f***in believe it! I also have a hard time using the keyboard on my new iPhone ( damn, I am starting to sound like Gonzo with all this stuff about living it up at a boutique hotel and using fancy high tech devices, LOL) since I have to type with my nose. Another cool thing is that they allow pets here. A guy staying in the next bed ( I forgot to mention, 4 guests share the same room but, again, Anne said this is the trend for these new boutique places) brought his dog whose picture is posted below. What a odd looking pooch, doncha think?. I asked Anne if I could bring Lloyd, my Goldendoodle, but he ran away just before Anne made this reservation for me. She "thinks" he ran across a busy street and was struck and killed by a car. She described it as if he deliberately wanted to commit suicide. Surprisingly, I reacted with a strange calm when she told me about this. He was my best friend and I'm gonna miss him. I wonder why I am not more upset about this? I wonder why he did this? He used to share have my dinner with me and would usually eat ice cream out of the carton with me after dinner. He had a good life and I am stumped why he flipped out like this. I was also disappointed to hear from this same guy with the dog, whose picture is posted below-- who by coincidence, is also a big Michigan fan -- that Michigan has dropped to #16 in the Division 1AA College Football polls. P.s. I am having problems posting pictures. I remember that BDR showed JoCo how to do this who then taught me and El Paso Irish how to post images but I seem to have forgotten how to do this. Talk to you later! Go Blue!
You are a class act Bobda, I hope the pain is lessening. As to your image, the reason it doesn't come up as an image is that there are more than one picture on the page you linked. If you want that image to come up you have to go to the page where it is an image by its self. Usually a right click and view page will work, it didn't for me in this case. You can link it using a URL link like this. Crazy Dog That is replace your img with url! I think I am right but this has tested the limits of my computer skills.
JIF, I imagine you know this by now but app st means Appalachian State, so named I believe because they are in the Appalachian Mountains, in Boone North Carolina. Gonzo has a place in Boone unless he's gotten rid of it. :lol: :lol:
It appears that your link is to a web site not just a picture on a site. An image would have a format such as jog or bmp. I placed your link into the address bar and it brought up a valid page.
Bobda, .........ROTFL! A classic post. I confess that Michigan's horrible start has given me comfort. Its always nice to know that no matter how bad things are with your own team; they're even worse for somebody else...
Speaking of ASU. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> of these days our paths will cross....the beers will be on me....that was great!!!!!! :lol:
That's right you were absent the night Bobda made his sneak attack and dropped BobbleHead Bo on me! Stu was there though, representing you!
Hey guys I live about an hour drive from Boone in far southwest Virginia. The local news is crazy talking about this game. One guy sounded like he had just got salvation or something. People were driving around town shouting 3-4-3-2. Great story. I have one correction to make, however, this wasn't a case, IMO of a team letting a lesser opponent hang around and end up getting bit. I'm not trying to say that Appalachian (say it with me, Apple-Atchan) State would win a large percentage of games in a series against Michigan but they dominated this game early and held on late. Great win by Appy State.
Nice commercial. From now on, when I see ASU, I'll think Boone, NC and not, as Rick calls it, AssU. Thanks for the on-the-scene report, Aquila.
I'll be up along with the rest of the gang so we'll be seeing you at MBC! Details to follow, but JO'Co won't be there I don't think Malloy will either and El Paso Tim won't be there. More Beer for the rest of us!!
If some tix come up, and they often do, I'll head down to SB. As you may recall, I had a wedding to go to last year for the UCLA game but I did make the fri. night festivities. (you're not getting my beer that easily Terry )