With 3 of the top 5 party schools, it's clear that when it comes to good times, the SEC rolls. Incidently, it's been rare to see rankings without the Gators in the top spot. THE LIST OF TOP PARTY SCHOOLS 1 West Virginia University 2 University of Mississippi 3 The University of Texas at Austin 4 University of Florida 5 University of Georgia 6 Penn State--University Park 7 University of New Hampshire 8 Indiana University at Bloomington 9 Ohio University-Athens 10 University of California-Santa Barbara 11 Randolph-Macon College 12 University of Iowa 13 Louisiana State University 14 University of Maryland-College Park 15 University of Tennessee--Knoxville 16 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 17 Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus 18 Florida State University 19 University of Alabama--Tuscaloosa 20 State University of New York at Albany
What the hell do they know how to do but burn couches in Morgantown. Just hard to believe that it's a better party school than Texas. Do their women have all their teeth?
Florida at #4??? An outrage and I think Gipper posted this just to pi** me off that UF is not #1....Mods....lock this topic!!! :lol: :lol:
:roll: No Pac10 schools? If the moron had ever attended a party at UCLA, Arizona State or Cal-Berkeley he didn't remember it...
Ah for the good old days. I remember when I was in school we felt the Gators were at number one for party schools!
Well, it's the music at the clubs, I tell ya. It's gotten so much better now that I have two kids performing in local Gville bands. The older (UF percussion performance and composition major) is in two different groups (funk, rock, blues, indie) who regularly appear around town and was just hired as touring percussionist for a local recording artist. The younger (starts UF tomorrow as engineering major) is ancillary percussionist in the older son's primary group and plays set for a "punk/ska" band and a jazz ensemble. The parties are better 'cause the music is better!!
Wisconsin is not in the top 20??? Give me a break! PubClub Top 10 Note that Wisconsin was #1 in 2006...could they have dropped that far? Princeton Review 2006 And from personal experience, you haven't lived until those Purdue engineers put on their white socks and put away their slide rules and rock on, Dude! :roll:
No Ohio State? Outrage!! Back in the day, the school was fronted on one side by two miles of bars on High Street. That street did not get its name because of topography. The Varsity Club has GOT to still be there.....
Stu It's pretty obvious that the excise police in Indiana spend all their time in South Bend and West Lafayette. They probably don't even know where Bloomington is.
A fixture Krebsie......it will be here when the pyramids crumble to dust. As a matter of fact my last contacts in person with fellow skyboxers was at the VC. TOK, Stu and Whobe collectively couldn't operate a cell phone or perhaps the G-man remembered he owed me the next round and conveniently disappeared....????? :wink:
Well I see my Bobcats are still making the list :lol: Hey BT I seem to recall that every call we placed to you went straight to voice mail As we stood across the street from "Spencer's Corner" I told the guys ...."He's over there I know it!" ...Truth be told none of us had the cahonies to try to get across the street in that crowd :roll: On a happy note I just copped two for the Purdue game today. 8)
Gaterz...that's cool your sons play in G-ville bands. My 19 year old has been in a band for 4 years and writes the songs and sings lead and plays lead guitar for his new group: Lake Effect is name of the band. I've posted this link before but here goes: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=143708649
Good luck to Lake Effect. Hey, think they'd be interested in playing in Gville this winter semester? We could probably arrange some room & board if bookings could be found. Here's a link to Funkatron's myspace site: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=22192587 Here are the sites for the other two groups with which he plays: http://www.myspace.com/marceonline http://www.myspace.com/selectfewofficial
Checked it out Gaterz...comments: Country Boy by Funkatron is a great sound....esp w/ the organ. Select Few sounds like they have the similar influences as my son's band and the upcoming tour seems like a breakout for them. And....Marce is doing Lincoln Road in SoBe.....that should be fun and sometimes....."it's great to be in the band"... :wink: Lake Effect I am sure would love to do a Gainesville gig or two especially in the winter. Let me know if you do come up with anything on that. My son will be with me on Sept. 29th in Gainesville for the Auburn game fyi.