Sid <t>its not that your approach isn't appreciated. In fact, I think it should be followed more.<br/> <br/> I think what we have here, honestly, is a case we don't see too much in today's internet age...Its a case of culture shock and as CW said, ignorance.<br/> <br/> I can tell you first hand, as a Southern Californian who moved to the South, I openly laughed in people's faces when they spoke of things such as 'dry counties, Sunday liquor bans' and other such left overs from the days of prohibition... but the people didn't laugh back. In fact, they were downright offended. Which, for once, was not my intention... But where I come from, such laws are so archaic that they are usually only seen or heard from in school text books talking about days gone bye. "No one really lives with those anymore, do they?" Was a question that I eventually tired of asking...<br/> <br/> In the past say 8 years..I've learned more about tolerance living outside of the 'culturally diverse' Southern California than I ever did living there. ..and oddly enough, I've lived in largely white, protestant areas. One, from my area, wouldn't think that such diversity exists.. That being said.. This 'violation' of the law is not a 'common knowledge' type of thing.. KidClausen is what 19 years old?? Here I was at nearly 30 laughing at the notion of such blue laws still being in effect...I totally believe that a 19 year old kid would have no idea that was a law...And I mean that sincerely.. That is why I don't totally believe his judgement or character should be in question here. He learned a lesson (and a little law too)..I say its time to move on.<br/> <br/> But again, my biggest beef in all of this is the 'journalism' in this particular case.. And dare I need to mention that this incident WILL be used against the Irish in recruiting...</t>
The most famous dry county in the South is in Tennessee. Lynchburg, Tennessee is famous for being the home of the Jack Daniels distillery. That is ironic because Lynchburg is in Moore County which to this day is still dry.
IMHO, it's a poor use of a state's finite resources to keep those guys sitting in front of liquor stores looking for kids who drive adults to said store to buy some beer. Let's focus on the impoprtant issues, and avoid failures ala NJ's Gov Corzine ..... who was so charged over Imus' stupid, insensitive commentary he didn't realize his state was releasing on bail an illegal alien repeat offender ... a really bad guy who has since participated in the execution style shooting of 4 young people.
Gaterz, I think you misunderstood me. I think that enforcement of this law is one of the worst examples of wasted tax dollars I have ever seen. It should be repealed. To do so, the people of the state must ban together and force their representatives to repeal the law. Until that time comes, do you want the average small town hick deputy deciding which laws he enforces? Until issues like this one are brought to light, moronic laws of this type are kept in the back pocket of self serving officials to do with as they please. Because this law was enforced in Jimmy's case, it is getting the publicity needed to get rid of it. No, he should not do time. I have a different view on Marijuana though. Marijuana is illegal... period. Alcohol is a gray area much less defined than Marijuana. You must admit that there is a difference. BTW... wanna' join the contest this year???
It's pretty clear that I think the State of Indiana should not enforce this law and instead focus its resources on more pressing issues. Nowhere did I "state" individual LEOs should decide which of the Indiana's laws should be enforced and which should not. However, I suspect almost all do that very thing over the course of their careers. WRT the contest, thanks for asking but probably not. Don't think I would make it every week/cycle. BTW Off Topic - what's the latest on Ben Martin's injury. Is it and ACL?
Well I think they ought to enforce it to the max!!!! Triple all fines involved and apply them to property tax relief :twisted: Sorry Sid but I couldn't resist :wink:
8) I'm a Californian who has visited Indiana (and its liquor stores) many times and I've never even heard of a law like this. There's no way Clausen knew he was doing anything wrong...
Sorry to hear that about martin. I was really hoping he would sign with UF. Hope he has a full recovery and is able to play ..... after next year's UF @ UT game!! :wink: