The "Bird Man" of Jarrell knows nothing about these dogs. Now, when you need info on birds or bird behaviors, give me a ring.
Damn I just looked them up and the Havanese webpage says those little pooches coast 1800 to 2500$. yikes!! Maybe Gonzo can get you a deal on them since they originate from Cuba!!
Whew. I thought maybe you were going to start an underground Havanese dogfighting ring. Be very careful of that dog, Joel. They are known for their vicious temperament and can turn on you in an instant. When Havanese attack...
... and I thought birds were expensive pets. $1400 with a life expectancy of 85 years in captivity equates to $16.50 per year. $2000 for the dog with a life expectancy of 15 years in equates to $133.33 per year.
Rick, Those attacking Havanese look suspiciously like a pack of crazed Bichons licking their "victim" to death. :lol:
JIF wrote: With some birds, the open window is an invitation to explore which may result in them getting lost and not finding their way home. To mistreated or neglected birds, it means an avenue for escape. Noel does not go outside much. Her wings are clipped where she can not maintain altitude. I once carried her outside and she flew off my arm to the ground between me and the open front door. She beat me back inside. This bird knows on which side her bread is buttered.
They're Havanese, Sid, but they are a member of the Bichon family. And Tom, Noel is one handsome bird.
Interesting, Rick. We have a Bichon. His name is George Gipp. My ND alum daughter named him. I agree, Noel is a very nice looking bird.
I wonder how many college age smart-ass kids that adopt a dog will name it "Vick" or something related. 8)
JIf, the key is: Most animals are that way. If they are used to a family routine, the animal's world is now turned upside down. Noel travels with us for that one reason. She is an angel with us. Take her to someone else’s house and start to walk out the door without her... the spawn of Satan makes an appearance. This happened when we left her with my mother when we went on a cruise. After two days, Noel finally calmed down. BTW, Thanks BDR and Sid! 8)
BDR, That pic looks like feeding time at the M. Vick Dog Obediance School. TT anymore bird pics and I'm gonna sic Jeffers on ya! :wink: