The house that Davie built and that Charlie bought when he took the job is on the market. Not only would you be living in a great house, we could stage the whole ND/Prodigy weekend at your place!! Not to mention you get a hell of a lot of house for 900K in the Bend, that house would cost 3 or 4 times that here in Houston. Do your pals a favor and pamper yourself at the same time!! Charlies Old House
Nice! I'd be interested except for two things: 1) It would be an awfully long commute to Ft. Wayne each day, and 2) I can't afford it. Other than that, I'd consider it. :roll: :roll:
Terry....I tried but they wouldn't take a check or the 10,000 beer cans I collected for their deposit money(that damn Newman and Kramer!) I also want the name of who snuck a camera into our annual shareholders meeting 8)
:lol: Jim and I are looking for a new home .. do you think he would go for this one ...... I know the drive to school each day would be a bit much but Megan (our grandaughter) is hoping to go to ND in 4 years ( the kid is a great Volleyball and Soccer Player) Her Volleyball coach told her he could get her in any where if she keeps going like she is going fact she will be in Orlando Fl in a few weeks for Nationals she is playing w/ 18+ but she is only 14//Anyway back to the house.... It would give her somewhere to stay hows that for a selling point ..Hey Joco what do you think about this one????