Other than Scott not sure many of us are big College Baseball fans, mainly because most of our teams outside Alabama and A&M don't have very good programs. Scott's Ag's are #1 in the pre-season #1. The top 5 are 4 SEC and UVA. Tenn, LSU, and Arkansas. Irish are no where to be found, only Oregon for the Big 10. NCAA Baseball Coaches Poll | USA Today Sports
Yeah... Now I'll be the only guy talking for a few months... or until the Aggies are knocked off the pedestal and I go to sulk.
Scott will be glad to hear that UT Coach Jim Schlossnagle, bears no hard feeling's towards the Aggies.
The usual opening weekend blowouts, but there are a few interesting tidbits so far: Michigan beats #2 Virginia and is 2-0 Louisville beats #19 Texas 4-3 The Irish are 2-0 The Buckeyes are 0-2 after losing a pair of 1 run games to Arizona St.
Why is softball (and baseball) the only sport there is a run rule? You can score all you want on an inferior opponent in every other sport, and the game still goes to the finish.
Probably because they are the only sports that schedule two games in a day. Not sure why the rule applies if you don't do that, but it's all I can think of...
UGH!!! The Ags wasted a great 7 shutout innings by Myles Patton yesterday losing 3-2 to Cal Poly. Took the lead into the 9th, bull pen gives up a two run shot and another unearned run to take the L. Hate to see the pen lose such a nice start, but its baseball.
The run rule can be applied differently by conference, but it generally applies to all non-conference games, double-headers, the last game of a series and tournaments/invitationals. In addition to Scott's reasoning, teams can also pick up a nearby Monday/Tuesday game following a road series to get more out of their travel budget, so it can help protect a worn down staff.. I hope there's no run rule tonight. Good luck to your Ags, Scott.
Congrats Rick, apparently we're going through some coaching change growing pains and your fellas were ready for the challenge. A lineup that on paper should be knocking the cover off the ball is struggling at times, and our pitching has swung from outstanding, to mediocre - issuing 13 walks against Texas St.
Thank you, Scott. Prager was solid and I was relieved (no pun intended) to see him exit. We've had our share of early season struggles as well what with baserunning mistakes and throwing the ball around the yard (and catching foul fly balls last night), as you probably can tell by our record. Hopefully our teams will meet again later in the season. By the way, where do you guys recruit, Land of the Giants?
Longhorns and Aggies have swapped places, sort of. Aggies started #1 and Longhorns were at the bottom half of the top 25 on Baseball America. Now the Longhorns are top 10 and the Aggies occupy the bottom of the top 25. As it is in basketball, it's clear the SEC is the top conference in baseball, with 7 of the current top 10 being SEC teams. Tenn is #1