Biden invokes images of the Fuhrer

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by George Krebs, Sep 2, 2022.

  1. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Howell Twp. NJ
    He really stepped in it last night. Joe Biden declares war on at least 71 million fellow Americans.

    It started innocently enough as a Jill Biden lead our aged leader by the hand to the podium, shuffling with his usual halting stride. But as the the lights dimmed, the background turned red and framed by US Marines he launched into a fist pumping attack against anyone who finds the the words " Make America Great Again " acceptable. With fists shaking for emphasis, he called for real Americans to "stop" what he refers to as "Extreme Maga" and its followers. He repeatedly characterized them as enemies of "Democracy".

    The angry old man image that he frequently displays now carried a more ominous message that can be widely interpreted in a number of negative connotations. It was undoubtedly the most frightening speech a president has ever made targeting his fellow Americans.

  2. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Hutto Tx
    Hitler was stupid but never Biden stupid.
  3. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The Villages, FL
    I dusted off my MAGA hat and am now goiing to wear it often. It's my way of saying "FU Biden". Meanwhile I learned that I'm an extremist and a threat to Democracy. I guess being called as a member of a Cult of Personality wasn't insulting enough.
    OK I admit it, I doubted the results of the last election. It's still hard to believe that 85 million Americans voted for this vile, corrupt, incompetent liar. I got a kick out of his comment that for us there's only 2 results of elections, "we won or we were cheated." Apparently Stacey Abrams is a closet MAGA Republican.
    This fraud claimed he could conquer the Covid virus. More people died under his watch his first year than Trump's last year AND he started with two life saving vaccines. He boasted that he would be a healer and bring the country together. Last night was just the opposite. His energy policy is not only damaging this country but also our allies in Europe. It's unfortunate that we can't export natural gas to them since they are paying 8 times as much for natgas than we are. His boarder policy is an abomination. Kids are drowning in the Rio Grande and I wonder where all those shrill media people are who incessantly whined about "kids in cages."
    He and Obama have done severe damage to the CDC and the FBI. Just as they weaponized the IRS, they've got them doing their political bidding. Recent revelations by Zuckerberg about how the FBI labeld the Hunter laptop story as Russian disinformation when they knew it was legit is just another in a line of incidents of maleficence.
    And while I'm at it, that Presidential Spokesperson of his is a joke. Sure she's eminently qualified being a gay, black, female but having just a shred of credibility would help. Yesterday I heard her blame Trump for the low scores of American schoolchildren who were damaged by the school closings. I thought that the schools were shut by blue state governors, the teacher's unions and liberal school boards. But just like every other problem on this earth, it's because of Trump.


    May 19, 2001
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    40º 86' N, 96º 68' W
    Game on boys.
  5. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Arlington, TX
    You're late to the club Mike.
    I'm no MAGA guy, but I was already classified as a possible militant extremist by the FBI... I fly the flag, wear shirts that say "patriot" or have a Gadsden flag on them...
    I also happen to be an owner of the terrible "weapon of war" known as the AR-15.
    killed another hog with it last week... thank goodness it wasn't wearing Kevlar vest...
    • Funny Funny x 1