Merrick Garland

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by gipper, Aug 9, 2022.

  1. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    First it was declaring parents who demonstrate at school board hearings domestic terrorists, then it was failing to enforce laws against intimidating Supreme Court Justices, now it's raiding the Trump residence with 30 FBI agents...does he remind anyone else a little like Heinrich Himmler?
  2. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    And while I'm at it, what the hell do we need 87,000 additional IRS agents for? There are around 700 billionaires in this country, 87,000 agents? Nearly half our population pays no federal income taxes the rest are probably mostly Republicans. Government union employees however are mostly Democrats so it's a win-win for the regime.
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    May 19, 2001
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    Who ordered Garland to do this?
  4. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    good news for the ex-President is that if Herr Himmler and his jack-booted thugs in blue windbreakers did not provide sufficient evidence to the federal judge for probable cause it will be an easy matter for Rudy and his krakken legal team - with the pillow guy in a consulting role - to have it thrown out as inadmissible and no doubt receive a damage award sufficient to cover the blown safe, trampled hibiscus and ketchup stains on the wall. :rolleyes:

    In all seriousness, I do sincerely hope that this is about more than a few overdue library books/documents. If not, we're all gonna suffer mightily from the **** storm that is guaranteed to follow
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    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  5. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    AJ, here are two separate statements which together provide the answer to your question:

    "Trump failed to return classified docs requested by the National Archives. A federal judge issued a search warrant for probable cause of a crime."

    "Because the FBI search concerned classified docs, this is a national security investigation. That can help explain why DOJ was willing to move on this, and to do so regardless of what may be going on with the 1/6 investigation."
  6. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    It was a national security question with Hillary as well and there was no raid. This is the 7th attempt by the Democrats in league with the Press and the Justice Dept to finish Trump off. So far, 0-6. WE are now coming up on 72 hours and no explanation for the raid and no suggestion of anything found other than Melania's unmentionables. If this turns out to be another witch hunt, Ray and Garland have got to go. The FBI has been reduced to the Keystone Cops.
  7. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    It was a "national security" matter when the FBI lied time and again to the Federal FISA court to illegally eavesdrop on the Trump campaign. It was a breach of "national security" when Comey released classified documents to a NY Times reporter. Just like the Lois Lerner IRS, just like the Loretta Lynch Justice Dept., the FBI has been corrupted by these leftists. How intelligent people allow these fascists to control our country beats me.
  8. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I agree if it turns out to be nothing more than a "witch hunt" it will become quite the sh!t show. One does wonder what was the evidence of a federal crime presented to the Trump-appointed Judge that compelled him to authorize the search. The ex-President has it firmly within his power to release to the public the warrant itself as well as the property inventory of the items taken during the search. If benign, it would seem to be raw meat for the appeal to his base and his interminable fund-raising efforts. Curious to me that he hasn't as yet......

    Seems the AG has called the Trump bluff by asking the Court to unseal the documents, making them public, provided there is no objection from the ex-president. Trump's ball.....great theatre if nothing else
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
  9. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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  10. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    fwiw, I agree with essence of his sentiments wholeheartedly. Worth a read is Washington's farewell address warning of the dangers of partisanship in very stark terms. It seems his worst fears of 226 years ago are evident and a clear and present danger to our country, imho.

    I haven't changed my political views since I cast my first presidential vote for Ford in 1976, yet what the "republican party" has become is unrecognizable to me and saddens me to my core. By the same token, I would submit that Romney hasn't changed his core principles either, the honorable flag-bearer of the party a short 10 years ago, yet today he is a "RINO". Nonsense.... I guess I'm not even a RINO these days as I officially changed my registration from "R" to "I" on February 14, 2021 after the Senate Majority Leader cast his ballot and addressed his colleagues after the 2nd impeachment trial. I have no use for this collection of cultists, cuckolds and sycophants that is presently the party leadership with such little regard for their country that they would subject her to this continued stupidity solely for the purpose of short-term political benefit. Partisan before patriot, party before country....sorry, not my type. Not the elements of any kind of leadership that can be effective much less make this country the very best version of itself.

    That said, there is zero part of the liberal agenda that resonates with me either as, among a great many other things, I have a fundamentally different view of the role of the federal government than do those people and the political values of the progressive wing I find contrary to the very core of our foundation. I guess that leaves me in a political vacuum in search of a conservative that embraces what once were the core values of the party, believe that truth matters and character counts, loves their country more than party and has half a sack.......
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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
  11. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I wish that we had someone come to Washington who wasn't a career politician. One who cared about our country first. Who defended our boarders, who stood up to enemies who harmed us economically and "allies" who failed to live up to their treaty obligations. Someone who felt taxpayer money was better spent by the taxpayers themselves than by the parasites in Washington. Someone who felt that the primary qualification for leadership in an administration was competency and ability and not gender or race. Someone who was honest enough that he could withstand 2 yrs. of intense investigation by dozens of attorneys and FBI agents. We had one, and the vermin who inhabit Washington, and that includes not only his political opponents but also the elite aristocracy of his own party who detested the incursion into their universe, the Bushes, Cheneys and yes Romneys, conspired to rid their trough of the great intruder.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  12. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    An extraordinary take to be certain. With that as a resume', I can't imagine what else among his noble character attributes and fine stewardship of our republic and it's constitution could have troubled anybody that loves this country. My own view is that the judgement of history as well as that of a jury of his "peers" empaneled soon, if not already, will be harsh....only time will tell.
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  13. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    How could anyone who preaches love of country accept attack after attack on our constitution? The first amendment has been under attack for years on campuses and has spilled over into woke censorship in all aspects of our life. This same element constantly attacks the second amendment. Their latest target is the electoral college. Meanwhile political opponents charged with trespass and parading have been incarcerated in the DC dungeon for months on end denied bail. Parents who protest material that they consider inappropriate have been declared domestic terrorists by the Department of (social) Justice. Laws are completely ignored from sanctuary cities to our wide open border. Those who broke our immigration laws are allowed to vote diluting the votes of American citizens. And as our county as we knew it is damaged and trashed the concern is about nobility of character?


    May 19, 2001
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    Gipper and Buck T are firing me up. Keep it up Big Guys. I'm getting more motivated than Glenn Quagmire at an adult film convention. I'm warning you both now, I'm gonna plagiarize most of what's been written here, and use it somehow to communicate the truth. Not that I can't think for myself, but I've always said there's some pretty experienced and smart cookies on this BB that I learn from daily. GREAT STUFF! Keep it coming!
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  15. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Damn, I wake up and it seems like I get a shower with an OAN commercial on a loop! Hell no, nobility of character is not "the" concern, it is "a" concern, but certainly not primary. Reading your post I'm reminded of an oldie but goodie that I'll take some license with - "other than his failed coup attempt Mrs Lincoln, it seems you enjoyed the show."

    Gip, I'd love to support a leader to fight the very culture wars that you reference. I just don't believe that it's a necessary pre-condition for the guy to also have to be a dick, put self-interest above all, seeks to divide rather than unite, have a bizarre and tortured relationship with facts and the truth, zero respect for law and order, reviled by our military leadership, treats the constitution like a door mat to be trampled at his whim and oh yes, lead a failed coup attempt. I'm pretty sure our country is better served by a guy that doesn't have more baggage than a f'n wagon train leading that effort. The policy prescriptions of the Trump agenda were not so unique and novel that only he alone could effect. They could very easily be implemented more effectively by somebody that actually respects our democracy, it's constitution and laws, it's institutions and it's great traditions such as the peaceful transfer of power.

    Now our guy has the dubious distinction of sharing a legal history with Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning in that a federal judge - one he himself vetted and appointed - found sufficient proof to believe there was evidence of violations of the Espionage Act to be found at this home that after repeated requests, indeed subpoenas, he has refused to yield.

    Surely there is a better guy to lead the fight Gip.....this ain't our guy. At least not mine
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  16. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    This is a great thread. Pretty much sums me up. Former Republican who abandoned ship in 2013 after Romney collapsed during his campaign against Obama and cowered in the political corner. I viewed myself as a conservative since but I may be more of a Libertarian. I view Mitch McConnell as the consummate carpetbagger today and have no idea what the GOP stands for today. The Democrats have rapidly morphed into an outwardly Socialist party. This nation bears no resemblance to the one we all grew up in.
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  17. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    don't know how this will play out but I am looking for an alternative to trump as well. I could go for Desantis right now. If he runs as Trump's running mate, Trump will destroy him like he did Pence.
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  18. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I have material concerns with this guy in that I believe him to be more of a radical partisan than I would like. I define that as one more interested in political gain and party before the interests of the people. He's Trump-lite with brains in my view. Don't get me wrong, he's very talented but just not my cup of tea. The Trump/DeSantis confrontation (assuming of course Trump stays out of jail) is inevitable and something to look forward to.....

    I would much prefer one of the younger Governors. Sununu of New Hampshire has alot of promise as does Hogan from Maryland. Both very bright but also more moderate and pragmatic, actually interested in getting things done rather than making political theatre. I was a fan of Kasich as well
  19. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Like AJ and George, I love and admire the quality of this discourse. As I've said in the past, I'm a moderate, pragmatic independent, leaning slightly more to the left than to the right but very distant from the far ends of both parties. I once was a conservative democrat until the species became virtually extinct (Witness the intraparty vitriol toward Joe Manchin). Since and including 1980, in 11 presidential elections, I've voted 6 times for Republicans and 5 times for Democrats. Self-restraint is important to me for personal reasons, so I have no desire to engage in political conversation/debate. I'm satisfied just to sit back and observe the intelligent and respectful conversations I'm witnessing here. Carry on, gentlemen.
  20. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I'm of the same ilk Sid, I just don't have your self-discipline! I'm gonna bow out as much as possible in this particular element, I think I've made my position clear with one minor addendum....

    My first vote was Ford 1976 and since then I've never voted for anything but "R" in any election, any ballot unless it was a personal friend or family member. If this group of Republican leaders does decide to rally behind another Trump run, they will evidence all we need to know about them if there is any doubt already. With all his baggage and animosity towards him - much of which self-induced and deserved - amidst this already fractured nation, there is ZERO chance that he will be able to cobble together enough support to lead this nation effectively or get anything of substance done. What is the purpose of a chief executive if not to lead? What is the purpose of political victory if not to get something done? This Republican leadership knows this, yet they pledge fealty, bend the knee and support his run not for the purpose of getting anything done, but for the purposes of short-term personal political benefit....that by my definition is a radical partisan fueled by political power, not a political leader seeking to better the lives of our people and help make this country the best version of itself. I'm out.....