Joe Biden

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by WSU1996kesley, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Buttigieg is MIA from his job like Harris from hers. Two people uniquely unqualified for their positions.
  2. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    If you watched that meandering press conference yesterday you have to terrified for the future of the Republic.
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  3. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    His act is wearing thin. Yesterday, again, we heard about "17 Noble laureates" who agree that his half-assed Build Back Better plan won't cause inflation. I wonder if these are the same brains who came up with "transitory" for inflation last fall. I also recall his lies during the end of the campaign tell us that "50 past intelligence dept. members" agree that the Hunter laptop story was Russian disinformation. I pray that our intelligence community isn't that stupid or biased that they'd lie for him. He actually bragged about his accomplishments. How proud can you be with a border overrun by illegals from all over the world, runaway inflation, crime rampant in our cities, supply chain horrors, allies who are pissed at us and enemies who don't fear us? Got to hand it to the media, tech billionaires and Hollywood, they picked a real train wreck to spoon feed the electorate.
  4. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    The domestic issues which were created by this president, i.e government sponsored invasion across our southern border, spiraling crime in our cities, the ongoing covid debacle, the ongoing supply chain debacle and runaway inflation in one year are a staggering indictment of his total ineptitude. But they also serve as cover for his total lack of influence on the world stage. including Russia moving on Ukraine, China potentially moving on Taiwan, the fall of Afghanistan, North Korea firing ballistic missiles again, are fractured relationship with France.... all of this was the doing of Joe Biden and his lack of awareness. None of what I outlined above occurred during four years of Trump. This is indisputable.
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  5. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I don't know about you guys but my 401K is becoming a 201K. First there was crazy federal spending and then there was the halting of domestic production of oil on public lands. Then there was the supply chain mess. All of a sudden we have high inflation. We have a Fed. that has to turn hawkish to fight the inflation and the market has reacted. But don't worry, according to our president, we're doing great.
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  6. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues

    I know this is old news for those of us that follow more than Left Fake Media (and it's been a week or so) but buried toward the bottom of the article:
    So now I wonder, will Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc. now lock the accounts of CNN, MSNBC, the 50 current and former intelligence members, for spreading false information? They locked the New York Post for REPORTING A TRUE, EARTH SHATTERING, POLITICALLY IMPORTANT, STORY!

    I know politicians lie, so this narrative was expected from Biden and his cronies. I know the "news" lies, so it's sadly also expected from current day Fake "News" outlets. However, 50 current and former intelligence members that feed into it, including Tapper?

    Definition of RIGGED

    And yet, "the big lie" isn't itself the actual lie?
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  7. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I heard someone describe the individuals that make up this administration in 2 words, INCOMPETENT ZEALOTS. That is so true.
    We have families in this country struggling to make ends meet because of the ravages of inflation and all the crap for brains members of this administration care about is climate change. Shutting down drilling on public lands and halting pipelines first destroyed our energy independence. That in turn caused the price of oil to rise greatly enriching countries such as Russia. Additionally, because we do not have excess oil and nat. gas we can't just tell our European allies to stop using Russian energy and we'll replace it. So, while many of our NATO allies are opposing Russia's incursion into Ukraine, they're still forced to keep funding Putin's war machine.
    So does Biden realize that we have to change our energy policy? No the ahole now is trying to get Iranian sanctions lifted so that they can use oil sales to finance their terrorist allies and develop nuclear weapons. It's unbelievable to me that people who wouldn't ever give their car keys to a 4 year old would let this incompetent lead our country.
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  8. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I've got to get this out. I think that the whole "climate change" crisis is nothing more than a continuation of a long standing war by Democrats on the oil industry that traditionally has supported the Republican Party. Just as Democratic governors severely damaged small businesses during their covid lockdowns (small business owners tend to be Republican) the Democrats have been trying to usurp the energy industry using climate change as a weapon.
    Let's start with reality. Even that clown John Kerry admitted that even if the US reached zero emissions, it would make little difference in the world's climate. Kerry: Zero emissions won't make difference in climate change With that as a given, why is there such a hurry to cripple our energy industry by the current administration? Why is there little if any pressure being put on "dirty" countries like China and India?
    As always, let's follow the money. Let's start with our secy. of Energy Jennifer Granholm. This incompetent zealot, when asked what the current annual oil production of the US admitted that she didn't know. Really? That's her f'n job. What's she doing? Well here's an article that show's us what her real interest is. Jennifer Granholm questioned about possible conflict with bus firm She's heavily invested in EVs (electric vehicles.) And she's not the only Democrat who stands to profit as Americans are driven to EVs by high gas prices. Pelosi's husband just bought over 2 million dollars worth of Tesla. Nancy Pelosi's husband just bought $2.2 million worth of Tesla stock You know that other administration insiders are also banking on alternative energy. When they can't preach Americans into buying their products, they're going to shove it down our throats. Don't think for a minute that gas prices are higher to do anything for the climate. They're stealing from your wallet to pad theirs.
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  9. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    This US is much cleaner than it was even 30 years ago. The air, the water .... no comparison. That's all man can do, clean up after himself. In the 80's Lake Erie was a lifeless cesspool. Now it is vibrant . Politicians are gaming this climate change boondoggle for personal gain. If the earth moves a degree off its orbital path for any reason we will be in a sweltering desert wasteland or in another Ice Age and there is nothing we can do about it.
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  10. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Here's today's laugh. The Biden White House announces new sanctions against Russia including Putin's daughters.
    Check out this quote from a WH spokesman "“We believe that many of Putin’s assets are hidden with family members, and that’s why we’re targeting them,” said a senior administration official."
    At the same time they're trying to convince us that Corrupt Joe had no involvement with Hunters business dealings. I know that they think we're stupid but at some point ....ah, what's the use?
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  11. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I heard on TV that the value of the ruble is actually higher now on foreign exchanges than before the sanctions. Remember a month ago when Biden crowed that his actions had turned the ruble into rubble?
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  12. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    From December:
    Inflation is surging. Joe Biden is still optimistic.

    I'm not sure the increasing rate of inflation (8.4% for March???) is exactly what "...change sooner, quicker, more rapidly..." is what HE meant, but it's what WE were warning about.

    From July:
    Biden says inflation 'temporary,' 'expected,' pushes spending

    If Putin hadn't attacked Ukraine in February, would the 9+ month "transitory" inflation have ended?

    When every action taken by this administration has put upward pressure on inflation, and was argued would be the result AT THE TIME, can we really call inflation at this point an accident?
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  13. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I just hope the American people send Biden a clear message that they don't like the way things are going in the mid-term elections this Nov.