Joe Biden

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by WSU1996kesley, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Bob is never gentle... goes for the jugular EVERY TIME!
    :eek: :p
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  2. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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  3. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    You can't say Joe campaigned under false pretenses because he never campaigned. But suffice to say that he is extremely far left progressive in his approach and that should tell you who really is pulling the strings here. Look for the suspects who are the quietest..... Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Susan Rice. His policies will further trash the strong economy that trump built. His economy is based on retribution and anger as a well as locking in a voter base. And what he has done to destroy his own law enforcement and military could have us in real short term peril.


    May 19, 2001
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  5. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    One thing I agree with the current administration on is telling the people of Central America not to try to come to the US. The border situation has been a mess for a long time, and will continue to be a mess as long as so many people make the trek to the border to attempt to get into the US.

    It would seem like one of the things that could be done is to somehow help those countries like Guatamala, Honduras, etc to provide a better situation that would keep their people home. I doubt we'll ever get to the point where there isn't illegal immigration on the southern border, but if it can be reduced then that is a win.
  6. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    A completed border wall and a renewed stay in Mexico policy would really make a big improvement in what's going on. All of these unescorted minors will be the next decade's "dreamers."
  7. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    While I did favor the wall, I'm also pretty sure that they would've tunneled under it eventually in multiple area's. Would have made it harder for sure, but they are a determined group.

    Same with the stay in Mexico policy. It wasn't the bulk of the immigration. So even if still in force, likely wouldn't impact significantly the mess at the border. They just keep coming and coming no matter what the cost, the risks, etc. How do we get them to stop coming?

    • What is the “Remain in Mexico” policy?
    After publicly announcing on December 20, 2018[1] that it was working on such a policy, the U.S. government, through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), issued its new Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), or the “Remain in Mexico” policy via memorandum on January 25th.[2] The new policy and its guidance outline procedures under which the U.S. government will return certain asylum-seekers to Mexico to wait through the duration of their cases pending in the U.S. immigration court system.

    • What happens to people under this policy?
    The Remain in Mexico policy requires certain asylum seekers arriving by land at the U.S./Mexico border (both at and between official ports of entry (POEs)) who pass a credible fear screening with a U.S. asylum officer (a first step in the process for requesting asylum) to return to Mexico to await their asylum hearing in U.S. immigration court.
  8. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Agreed Terry, that no level of barrier or interdiction will seal the border. The whole purpose of completing the wall is to create a greater level of friction to illegal immigration. When something gets more difficult to do, the percent of humans that are willing to do that thing decreases, perhaps reducing the level of illegal immigration to more manageable levels and allow the available resources to focus on true problem areas. Trump had this right, and as usual, the Left "news" ignores this side of things.

    Again, I agree. By working with Mexico, as well as making Mexico feel the consequences of the illegal immigration they were previously enabling, a partnership was created in addressing this issue, as well as increasing friction for those that would consider the trek. Again, in working with Mexico to make it a two-country problem, Trump had this right.

    Human motivation is one of the related things that our friends that ascribe to the Left philosophies apparently dismiss, that Trump seemed to understand very well. From a theoretical standpoint, the number of people that crossed the border would be very different if you A) offered $50,000 to every person that could successfully cross the border or B) offered 90 days in a cramped gulag before handing them over to their country's authorities. Both are intended to be ridiculous analogs of the different persuasion / motivations offered by the Biden and Trump administrations. As soon as Biden made it apparent that the welcome mat was laid out, consequences would be removed, and friction was reduced, it should have been very easy to foresee the direction things would head.

    Please understand that I am not saying Trump did the "right" thing or Biden did the "wrong" thing, only that Trump seemed to understand the role that human motivation, consequences, and friction played in things and that the Left apparently does not. This viewpoint is actually giving the Left the benefit of the doubt vs. the alternative theory that seems to be more popular that the Left is doing these things intentionally to create issues from which they can pull advantage.
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  9. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    As I understand it our immigration policy as far as asylum allows those in a country where they are threatened because of religious or other reasons can apply for asylum in the US. However they have to be in a country that we recognize as hostile. Mexico is not one of those countries so there is no reason for us to allow people seeking asylum to leave a non hostile country such as Mexico to enter here. Before the REMAIN IN MEXICO policy and now, those entering the country and requesting asylum now just register and then disappear into our population and never show up at their hearing. The remain in Mexico was a deterrent to those that had no intention of actually appearing at an asylum hearing.
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  10. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Good explanation Mike, and it's not just people from Mexico it's all of Central America none of which we recognize as hostile. Still the problem is that they just keep coming and have for decades under both democratic and republican administrations. They pay coyotes 10K and up, the risk their lives, they do almost anything to get here. Keeping assylum seekers on the other side of the border is a partial solution to those applying for assylum, but I don't think that's the majority of those coming.

    Biden's campaign rhetoric certainly gave hope to those who wanted to come that his administration would be more open to letting them in the country. Of course the net result is that more are trying to come and we have a continuation of the big mess at the border. The media under Trump talked about it everyday, esp the children which are always a sad case. Democrats went to the border for photo ops and to show their support for those poor people and make points with their liberal/woke/progressive supporters. Now Kamala Harris won't even bother to go to the border, something that the media would have skewered the Republicans for during the Trump Admin.

    As I said earlier when she went to Central America and said that people should stay home and not attempt to come I agreed with her. Democrats should have always been saying this, stay home but it didn't play well with those liberals, so now they have the mess on thier watch and are finally saying it because they don't have any better solutions than any previous administration.
  11. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    My son works on the Atlantic City Gangs and Drugs Task Force for the NJSP. As such he is in close contact with the absolute dregs of society daily. I asked him what percentage of Hispanics he picks up are here legally; he said less than 10%. Gang violence is out of control at present in AC. Murders almost daily, often more than one. I asked how many of the gangs members he runs into are black. He guessed 98-99%. I asked him how many of the murder victims are black. He guessed 99%. I asked how many black murder victims are killed by other blacks. He guessed 98%. I asked him the average age of these gang members. He said 16-20. And this is in every major city in the US. And remember, blacks only make up 12.6% of the total population in the US. Hispanics are at around 18% and rising fast.

    I could not recommend either Atlantic City or New York City as a destination. Not even remotely safe at this time.


    May 19, 2001
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    Golf clap (European version) for the POTUS'S efforts, concerns, and media presentation the last week. I'm so, so proud of the POTUS. Best presentation EVER that I have seen from a standing President in my short 56 years.
  13. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The whole "summit" with Putin was to give some appearance of international leadership to this bumbling old fool. I'm sure that it was Biden's folks not Putin's who wanted it. Putin's price to make Joe look competent? Lifting of sanctions on the Russian pipeline that allows our "ally" Germany to enrich our NATO "enemy" Russia. What a great statesman, screw our neighbor Canada with the Keystone Pipeline cancellation then boost our rival Russia.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1


    May 19, 2001
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    40º 86' N, 96º 68' W
    Thanks POTUS....and Texas!....get back from lunch, find out I got Friday off.
  15. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Alright, let’s look at what the administration voted in by millions of Americans is doing. Most of this is not covered by the mainstream media.

    Suburbs are in the crosshairs of the Biden administration. Federal funds are being withheld to suburban towns that have zoning laws that limit residences to one family houses. What the Biden administration wants, as did the Obama administration is to place low-income multi-family buildings in the suburbs. These future slums are a requirement for suburbs to get back some of the money that they pay in taxes.

    Then there is our schools. The administration backs the teaching of Critical Race Theory. This in it’s simplest terms divides the students into two groups, oppressors (white) and victims (non-whites.) This of course is part of the Biden promise to “bring us together.”

    This is my favorite part of the teacher’s union head’s pronouncement, “The president of the nation’s second-largest teachers union is taking a strong stand against a recent spate of laws that restrict public-school lessons on racism, vowing legal action to protect any member who “gets in trouble for teaching honest history.”

    Notice she believes that this is HISTORY. CRT stands for critical race THEORY. The stupid twit thinks that theory is history.

    Then there are the heads of our armed services specifically the head of naval operations and the head of the Joint Chiefs. Both have defended teaching and recommending books that spout critical race theory. These men are supposed leaders of men who are prepared to fight and die for their country and they’re feeding them crap that trashes the country that they’re serving.

    We’ve seen how the Obama administration corrupted the IRS with Lois Lerner and the FBI with Comey et. Al. but now the corruption contagion continues with the Intelligence Community that apparently has been spying on Tucker Carlson. We know that the Obama administration spied on James Rosen so it’s no surprise that illegally, the Intelligence folks are continuing to violate the law.

    Our Intelligence community is a disgrace. Most have forgotten this story.

    Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

    More than 50 former intelligence officers signed a letter saying that the Hunter Biden Story “has all the earmarks of a Russian information operation.” By now we know one of two possible scenarios. Either these folks who worked for the Intelligence Community wouldn’t know Russian disinformation if it bit them in the ass, or they’re so partisan that they’d gladly lie to deceive American voters.

    The administration continues to wage a war with predominately Republican small businesspeople outbidding them for employees with bulked up unemployment benefits. When employers compete against other employers for workers it signals a growing economy. Whey they compete against the government it results in artificial rising prices which hurt many American especially those on fixed incomes.

    On the foreign affairs front Biden was an embarrassment at the G7 meeting and his tete a tete with Putin. After drawing what duplicates an Obama “red line” the US was hit again by cyber attacks originating in Russia. Putin is thumbing his nose at Biden knowing he’s incompetent and inept. Taiwan must be terrified that the only thing that stands between them and the power than is China is a bumbling old fool who resembles the Cowardly Lion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Well let's see what's going on in the hypocritic world of today's Democratic part.
    1. Since the last election Democrats have been waging a war against the filibuster. That's right, the same filibuster that they used hundreds of times during Trump's presidency. But that's not the only irony. They're are celebrating the Democrats from Texas who fled the state to accomplish the same thing that a filibuster does, frustrate the will of the majority.
    2. Think of the criticism that Trump endured when he withdrew troops from Syria. The angst over not remaining to protect the Kurds. Meanwhile Biden leaves Afghanistan to the mercy of the Taliban and all you hear is kudos.
    3. The bring us together president is once again preaching derisive rhetoric aimed at legislation changing election laws in some states. He once again brings up Jim Crow laws that were passed in Southern States by Democrats. He mentions the Klu klux Klan which was overwhelmingly Democrat. He talks about laws that he obviously hasn't read and rails against laws which are aimed at making it harder to cheat. A state that has very strict by today's standards has these rules
    1. The requirement of ID with a name and address. Without it the voter must sign an affidavit on the day of voting.
    2.Mail and online voter registration but this has to be no later than 24 da. before the election.
    3. Those convicted of serious felonies are stripped of their voting rights.
    4. Early voting is allowed for only those with approved of excuses.
    5. Early voting by absentee ballot but again only those with approved of excuses.
    This state has rules much more restrictive than Fla. or Tex. President bringing us together does nothing about the voting rules of DELEWARE!
  17. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    His Child Tax credit is hitting peoples bank accounts starting today so some people will be happy!

    As far as the whole voting thing goes. I'm all for expanding ways to vote, I am for extended hours, I personally vote by mail almost 100% of the time but it's only been available in Texas to those over 65. I was fine with the whole drive through/up voting. But I don't get why almost any attempt to have voters register and at least at their initial registration provide proof of their ID is so controversial.

    When I try to argue that you can't get on an airplane without a photo ID and now your driver license has to have that gold star that you get when you provide your birth certificate and other things to show who you are and where you were born, or that it's more difficult in Texas to apply for food stamps than to get a voter card people tell me ..pshaw that's fine because they aren't basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

    It seems like the only thing that will satisfy democrats is people just walking in and voting with no challenge.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Stu Ryckman

    Stu Ryckman Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 1999
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    Drive through voting kind of goes against the "one man-one vote" thing. Remember when we old folks used to vote on the big machines behind the curtain in privacy (except those that required assistance). Now if you drive through there may be other folks in the car with it or don't like it but that could affect somebody's vote. Plus they have provisions for curbside voting for the disabled, etc.

    Same thing for not having 24 hour's worth debating pluses and minuses in a civil manor. But I get off the train when they imply that it's somehow voter and minority suppression. Jim Crow and The Worst Thing Since the Civil War. Yeah right.
  19. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I do as well, as I said I'm open to expanding voting options in a lot of ways. I do want them to be as secure as possible and I do want to know as much as possible that those who are voting are citizens. I know you can't prevent all fraud but that shouldn't keep us from trying.
  20. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    This probably doesn't bother anyone else but me, but I get annoyed by the commercials that are run near elections urging people to vote. Does that mean that there are people out there who wouldn't have voted if they hadn't seen a TV add inspiring them to vote? And truthfully, who wants to be governed by the choice of people who wouldn't have voted if it hadn't been for a TV commercial?
    Again, it's probably just me, but shouldn't there be just a little bit of effort required to vote? Obviously for years there was a large portion of our population that just couldn't be bothered with getting off their asses and going to vote. I assume that these folks don't bother to educate themselves with the issues involved in an election. Do unmotivated, uninformed voters add to our democracy?
    • Agree Agree x 3