The NEW stimulus bill

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by gipper, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Remember when Pelosi said that the $1,200 that people were saving with the Trump tax cuts was "bread crumbs?" Well just how fortunate are we that she and the rest of those leaches in DC are "giving" (actually returning) $600 (half of bread crumbs) to Americans? But that money is only a very small part of the expenditures in the bill. Here's just a few of the items in the Covid Relief bill
    ///The bill allotted $300 million for a “Countering Chinese Influence Fund” and $290 million for a “Countering Russian Influence Fund.” It committed $101 million to fight wildlife poaching and offered $2.5 million for “Internet freedom programs in closed societies.”

    The package commits $506 million to Central American regional security, including $45 million toward the nations’ attorney generals if they seek to fight corruption.

    The package included $453 million in assistance for Ukraine, $700 million in economic support for Sudan and $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.

    Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) tweeted, “I predict the day our country’s finances collapse, we will still be funding ‘gender programs in Pakistan.'”

    The legislation additionally authorizes $4 billion in military loans for Jordan and approves $250 million for Palestinians in a five-year program intended to boost Palestinian employment. \\\ NEW YORK POST
    Additionally The bill adds two National Mall museums, bans the US Postal Service from delivering e-cigarettes and makes online streaming of copyrighted material punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
    We also find, $1.4 billion towards implementing U.S. defense and economic agendas in Asia, $2 billion for the U.S. Space Force and $1.4 billion for the U.S. border wall with Mexico.
    Lawmakers have hidden swag for many of their pet projects in the 5000+ page bill that most of them didn't have a chance to read before voting for it. You wonder how much of that money earmarked as "foreign aid" finds its way back into the pockets of the affluent folks that spend our money.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  2. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Whew...... I was afraid all that money was going to be wasted...
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  3. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    There are some important things though in the Bill. For small business people who took out PPP loans the forgiveness process is better. If you also took an EIDL loan it came with a "grant" of up to 10K. That 10K was deducted from the amount of the PPP loan, so if you had a 60K PPP loan you thought would be forgiven, it was going to be reduced by that 10K EIDL grant, so you had to pay back 10K of the PPP loan. That's been changed and now you can get 100% forgiveness of the PPP loan if you used the money for eligible expenses of which 60% had to go to payroll. Also the IRS was going to declare that you could not deduct business expenses paid for by the PPP loan, but now you can deduct them.

    They also have simplified the form and the documentation you need for PPP loan forgiveness.
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    May 19, 2001
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    Building walls in Jordan, while I watch businesses in my home state close the doors. 1500 people where I work, multiple positive tests since March, not one casualty in an area that has been considered "Hot" since October. There's your snapshot.

    If the Alzheimers elect does make it to Jan 20th, the first 100 days will be very telling. Stand by folks, I don't think its gonna be laced with good ol American values.

    On that note, I believe I posted earlier this year about factions in our country's past that might rear their ugly head again in response to all the radical changes being proposed. Dont wanna see it, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I think it may be more than the factions you are referring to above. A lot of mainstream moderate conservatives have had it up to here with their values under constant attack. An estimated21 million guns sales in 2020 here in the US, up 73% from 2019. A read one claim that there was as much as three trillion rounds of ammo circulating amongst private gun owners. That is a huge number if even remotely accurate. You add those numbers together and you have the largest armed force in the world by a wide margin.
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  6. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    So what do the millions of Americans who are out of work need? Why tens of thousands more of illegals coming across out border. Old Wack Joe says that he's going to reverse the Trump policy of enforcing our border laws. Is that what people voted for? I guess I'm out of the mainstream.
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