Happy New Year everybody! How's everybody doing in the bowls, now that the "preliminary season" is over and the BCS Bowls are about to start today?... Some of the outcomes really surprised me, but I was also surprised when I added up to see that I am 15-6. Not too bad but then some of those matchups were not all that competitive so probably some of y'all are doing better.
I'm 16-5 so far. I used a highly scientific method for my picks. I opened the sports page and found the lines for the bowl games. I picked almost all the favorites. Of course, there were a few exceptions like the Sugar Bowl where I went against the line.
That "dumb ole girl" is beating me by 2 games. I'm 16-5 with only 3 more games picked opposite of her. If I can only win all three of those...
Yesterday was not good. Tennessee loses and I go 3 for 6 in the contest. The only bright spot was that Cindy went 1 for 6. We are tied at 19 wins each with the rest of the games picked alike except for the "International Bowl" on the 6th.
Hello! So far.... I'm 21-7 Rogator is 19-9 P.S. I received the trophy. It is very nice! Thanks so very much to all involved.
TreeFrog, You and Ro don't come around often enough. I have to ask... What prompted the choice of your ID? :wink:
Hey Tom! About the Treefrog ID..... I love the colors of the treefrogs in pics I've seen of the Rain Forest. RoGator has his story about his ID. He doesn't post alot but reads everyday. GO GATORS!
Probably a good thing I did not wade into this contest, some of you are far too superior for my comfort level. :lol: I am rooting for Cindy! Don