10 Lies Trump Has Shattered Forever

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Gator Bill, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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  2. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    1. The Press has sadly been permanently marginalized. 24 hour news is the devil. It lead to the transition from reporting to preaching. You simply cannot believe what you hear on the news now.
    2.The CIA, FBI and State Department have all been used politically . They are the definition of the Deep State. The FBI may be beyond salvation. It needs to be gutted from the top down.
    3. Hispanics may decide this election. Blacks are waking up to the fact that Trump has done more for them than any President in history except Lincoln. Those who have not are happy beingin entitlement chains.
    4. Me-Too is a total politicized farce. Fat girls in vagina hats solving nothing. Good for a laugh.
    5. I remember when the Maumee River in Toledo was ignited by burning cigarettes it was so polluted. When Lake Erie was dead. When I moved to New Jersey the ocean was filthy with garbage floating up on the incoming tide. Erie is beautiful now and the ocean here on some days looks like Florida. The climate is much better today than the 1960s. But evolution is going to continue and there is nothing we can do about it.
    6. Obama said American manufacturing was dead and nothing could bring it back. In three years Trump proved what many of us suspected; Obama was a no talent media creation. His new trade agreements set the table.
    7. If you won't defend life how can you call yourself a civilization. I dont care how many times Joe Biden goes to Mass; if he condones abortion in all of its savagery then he is a complete godless heathen. Women's right to choose? How about choosing birth control? Or making your partner choose birth control? Time for the Catholic Church to step up to the plate with a bat in its hands and not just a lot of loose talk.
    8. Judges are partisan and this is a major problem in our judicial system. I have no suggestions for this one. Gipper?
    9. No one with half a brain can deny that we are following George Orwell's playbook to the letter. We are erasing our past as fast as we can. We are very close to being lost forever. I'm 66; my generation is the last link.
    10. The Obama administration was the most corrupt in United States history. Cleverly assembled with a media created President with a solid background in political corruption from his Illinois training, everything about him was a mirage, right down to his ethnicity. It may take a century, if at all, to recover from the undermining of our constitution and the weaponizing of federal government that was the calling card of Barack Obama.
  3. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The judge "problem" is rather current. For nearly 2 centuries the confirmation of Supreme Court nominees was limited to their qualifications and perhaps temperament. Abe Fortas an LBJ appointee was not confirmed mostly because of his involvement in LBJ's election stealing in Texas. It wasn't until Teddy Kennedy and other Dems went after Bork that political ideology became part of the "test." The reason was that the left had started using the court as a shadow legislature enacting rules and laws not found in the Constitution or passed by Congress. Roe v Wade for instance found a "right to privacy" that is nowhere in the Constitution. Likewise gay marriage actually arose out of a referendum in California that defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. The matter was appealed to SCOTUS and the liberal AG of the state of California rolled over on the issue resulting in gay marriage becoming the "law of the land." Quite a reversal of a decision by a majority of the voters in California.
    There's not many ways that the process could be changed. Some justices have become "not as advertised " like Souter and Roberts. Then again that may be because the presidents who nominated them weren't as advertised either.
    Our country is changing. The Great Melting Pot has been fractured by generations who were encouraged to oppose it while celebrating "diversity." Many immigrants want to maintain their languages and customs here using America as a safe haven rather than a culture to join. Seems as though the party that constantly tells us that they will unify the country really gets their power by encouraging us to be divided.
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  4. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Let us hope the polls are wrong and Biden does not win.

    And I agree that we are looking more like 1984 than ever and will accelerate if Biden gets elected.
  5. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    FOX Business just had a segment on where they discussed how much personal information has been gathered under the guise of controlling the virus. At border state checks, airports, transportation centers and including DNA though the covid checks. In New Jersey our Governor Murphy is strongly pushing a free downloadable phone app that traces your whereabouts in the name of virus control. Real Orwellian aspects to that one.
  6. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    So now we see the conspiracy of Obama and Hillary Clinton to smear Trump and frame him for the Russian Hoax.

    Trump's call to declassify Russia collusion, Clinton documents sparks fierce debate online