The Observer tweeted that we had 39 players in isolation. Combination of positive and contact tracing. I wonder if we'll be ready to play Oct 10th
I wonder if Kelly will have a Press Conference this week? The press release was fairly vague other than giving the numbers regarding the players either isolated or quarantined. I've read that the players have returned to conditioning type of drills, but that's all, not exactly sure what that means. Are they back in the weight room, or are they just outside running sprints and stuff.
I'm sure they're combining workouts. Maybe early morning weightlifting every other day, with running plays and drills in the afternoons.
Heather Dinich spoke to Coach Kelly about the COVID outbreak on the team. Some notes: * Kelly said he’s encouraged by recent round of tests * Kelly expects practice to start Wednesday * He also expects about 90% of the team to be available to practice on Saturday * Main cause seems to be from eating pregame breakfast together and a player got sick on the sideline and they thought it was dehydration but it obviously wasn’t. * Pregame meal now will be held in larger area as to promote better distance amongst the team and a rapid 15 min test will be available on sidelines during game so if so if anyone seems off they can be tested on the spot.
If a player can practice does that mean he's cleared to play in games? One player's carelessness can effect dozens of teammates. Wonder if patient zero got infected at class or at an off campus party.
Another Georgia WR, Jayden Thomas, not as highly ranked as Deion Colzie will reportedly announce this Friday between Georgia, Notre Dame and Arkansas. New Ark HC came from UGA so maybe that's why Arkansas is in the mix. Mike I would assume that a player who is practicing can play. The ones in isolation have tested positive and I believe they can not do anything for 2 weeks and of course have to test negative. The ones in quarantine due to contact tracing I believe can come back sooner, still need those negative tests though. Bottom line is neither group is getting back with the team till they have served their time and tested negative.
I don't think we're ever going to get that information from the school. It'll have to be leaked by the player, his supposed friends or others who are around the situation. I think schools (ND included) can list the players who are not available, but that's probably about it.
I read something this morning and now can't find it. It was a public article in an Irish sports related publication, but I don't remember which one. As I recall, Coach Kelly stated that they had traced the origin to a team meal prior to the South Florida game. It was the first time the team had eaten together in somewhat close proximity to each other. Prior to that meal, they had been eating buffet style with proper separation. Going forward, he said, they'll have team meals in rooms large enough to allow required social distancing.
My question was where did the kid who was at the meal and infected get it. If it was something like going to class, that can't be avoided. But if he's going to off campus parties and getting infected, that's letting down his teammates.
Again I don't think we are going to get that information, not that it isn't a good question. If it was in the day to day life of a student going to class, it's just life as you said. If one or more of the players were breaking the rules and partying without masks/social distancing then that's on them, but we're never going to get that information.
Irish will be back at practice this Saturday. Kelly said 90% of the team will be available. I guess it depends on which 10% is not available though, how many starters in that 10%? Prister asked a good question. If the outbreak is due to the team meal, why did Kelly after not doing a team meal decide before the USF game to do a team meal? Also he said it's never been discussed how the 7 guys who missed USF game with Covid got exposed.
Press Conference Covid. This part is by Rob Hunt, head trainer. 18 players in isolation. 11 players in quarantine. 9 players released, 14 more released in next two days. Monday and Wednesday testing had zero positives. Next testing comes on Friday. Players have experienced mild-moderate symptoms. No hospitalizations. Hunt says there were probably some areas where program was "loose" in mainting strict guidelines. Also notes negative test may give lead to some lapses. "Negative test doesn't necessarily mean you're free and clear of the virus." Will tighten up some areas. Hunt: One of biggest concerns prior to start of season was players mixing with family and friends from outside the closed environment. Looking back, not sure families were part of source of outbreak. None of the families symptomatic pre or post. Hunt says locker room has been de-dentsified and there will be more spreading out within the program, including during game days.
Kelly says he has 30 years of experience in bringing back individuals from injuries, but now he has to bring back the entire team back. Says timing of practice and how we practice is being calculated. We can't afford another setback the way we had one this past 10 days. We have "no wiggle room" for the kind of setback we had. ND established modified quarantine workout program in summer and that's been used this week. BK says when they get to 14th day, they can hit the field running. Those in isolation have COVID and aren't doing any kind of conditioning activity. On Day 11, they get started on conditioning and gradually increase workload in days to follow. Kelly says team's attitude has been "awesome." Says they've handled adversity "quite well" and want to "get back at it." "Energy is high, morale is excellent. Guys know there can't be any margin for error." WR Kevin Austin is running program and says he's on track to compete against Florida State. Kyle Hamilton in "great shape", expected to be at full-go. Same with Ben Skrownek. Brian Kelly says he's no expert, but information doesn't seem to suggest on-field transmission. Worrying about on-field spread would make this "untenable." Kelly says ND is in "uncharted territory" having played two games and then taking two weeks off. Will have to go against each other in practice and go "live" says it's a little bit like bowl preparation. "I'm pretty confident we'll be able to get up to snuff pretty quickly."
Irish pickup another wr for 2021 class, Jayden Thomas, a 4* from Georgia. Not as highly rated as Colzie but still a good pickup for ND.