In their own words

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by WSU1996kesley, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Opinion | Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police

    The first link are the demands directly from the "combatants" (opinion based on their self-described actions).

    The second link is directly from the NYT opinion. (Yes, the opinion pages where Tom Cotton was too radical and forced the editor's resignation.)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
  2. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Unfortunately, the caustic refutation by the Left evinced by CNN/MSNBC/NYT, et al is that Conservatives lack compassion and humanity, and are outright racist to a person, when questions are asked what system exists to get where everyone wants to be.

    The mistake (assuming it is not intentional) is the assumption that Conservatives (and Libertarians lumped with them) are somehow less compassionate and interested in a Utopian society where enforcement is not required, where bad/crazy people don't exist, where bad intentions don't exist. EVERYONE would love this to be possible. Just as high a percentage of Conservatives would love for this to be possible as Liberals. Unfortunately, when pointing out the adult viewpoint that these ideals CANNOT exist given the human condition, this is "proof" that Conservatives are inhuman, racist, and evil. Unfortunately, the highly politicized and racist environment, created and fed from the business model of the media, does not allow adult, nuanced discussions in their entirety. Instead, the childlike view that a Utopian society is the answer is elevated, as if there is any solution offered within that "discussion". Unfortunately, this stifles discussion, which precludes solutions.

    Until we can have a full discussion, of the benefits AND costs of each proposed solution, without demonizing those on "the other side" just because they more closely align with blue/red/green/orange ideals, the topics cannot be advanced.

    To be clear, the constant sniping, most evident from the Left when married with "attempts to discuss and understand" are not valid efforts at debate. Those are thinly (laughably) veiled attacks, continuing, which have been ongoing since Trump won nomination, and since W won 16 years before. True discussion doesn't demonize, dehumanize, degrade, or hate, which those on the Right have endured for about 20 years now, on this board, from the media, and the acceptability of those attacks has increased.
  3. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    "Until we can have a full discussion, of the benefits AND costs of each proposed solution, without demonizing those on "the other side" just because they more closely align with blue/red/green/orange ideals, the topics cannot be advanced."

    This I agree with Kes. You might check your personal attack list however and see which of us are most guilty of those. But understand when I point out the failures and unacceptable behavior of Trump it's never meant as a personal attack on anyone here. When I don't agree that Notre Dame is the greatest football program of all time and I am very strong and vocal about that belief that doesn't mean I'm personally attacking Gipper or Terry or Corey for their strong beliefs otherwise.
    My differing opinion does not constitute a personal attack.... let's be straight about that. And it just so happens that my opinions not being as conservative as all of the others on this board tend to stand out as rabble rousing.... looking for trouble... trolling if you will.
  4. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Rubber stamp:

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  5. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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  6. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I read through that Kes and yes I say some very critical things about Trump and his supporters in general sometimes but I don't see where I'm doing anything but being critical of those political entities and not specific individuals on this board.
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  7. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Hateful, spiteful, magical mind-reading troll.
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  8. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    And that's what I'm talking about...... :(

    I'm all those things to you because I disagree with you....not because I ever attack you personally. That's just unusual.....
  9. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I think maybe you dislike me Kes for my message about your careless leader Trump such as this one:

    "Twenty-three states are seeing an upward trend in new coronavirus cases, and health experts continue to stress the importance of taking precautions to reduce the virus's spread. Despite the rising number of cases, the White House has downplayed the risks, with President Donald Trump saying Wednesday in an interview with Gray TV that the virus is "dying out."
    With the White House narrative at odds with the data, health experts including Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci have been absent from many public updates. Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine at George Washington University, told CNN it's because "they tell the truth."
    "And the truth is that the pandemic is still very, very active in the United States and that we're not getting back to normal and there are difficult things that the public has to do," Reiner said.
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  10. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    I suppose you know my reasoning better than I do, just like you and CNN can read Trump's mind and decide what his motives are better than he can, and your assigned opinion results in carelessly dehumanizing, demonizing, vilifying and attacking everything he does.

    Yes, I suppose it has nothing to do with the fact that you are a bigoted, hateful, spiteful, mindless, rubber stamp, mind reading troll that continues to have nothing but disrespect for 40%-50% of this country's population. Those "opinions" and those "viewpoints" are harmful to the country, and every topic I've started you have destroyed with your hateful rhetoric, not with foundational documentation and facts and useful discussion, but with opinions, rhetoric, vile/harmful words, and interpretations not of your own making but provided to you by your silo. There is a vast chasm between looking at base, foundational reports and data then coming to a thoughtful, considered conclusion vs. rubber stamping the hateful opinion pages it appears you frequent. You see no pattern to the hateful language you use and preposterously feign innocence, and are surprised that so many have developed a lack of respect for your opinion. This is a pattern the Conservatives on this board have had to live through for at least two Republican presidents, with a turbo-charge in acidity these last four years. I have lost all patience for anyone that would rather spread hate and bile, and directly despising their fellow human, than looking at the underlying issues that are tearing us apart, including a media business model that is enriched over having a divided, infighting country. Every topic I have started since the entire country was put on the same team by China and the virus, I have attempted to keep out of the hateful rhetoric, but your first post on every ******* topic cannot help but make your deranged disregard of 40%-50% of the country's population, represented by the current leader, the central theme in the discussion. Your opinions are meaningless because they have been assigned by your silo. Your input is worthless because I get the same exact view every time I watch CNN/MSNBC and read the NYT. Your hate is damaging, constant and I denounce it. That is why I have no respect for you and have a very great dislike of you. You are despicable, and I have no desire to associate with that amount of hate.

    To go back to the original topic, I present additional insights of interest, in the words of people looking into removing representations/celebrations of racist historical figures:

    California has a racist past. But removing monuments sparks debate about how to reflect an ugly history

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  11. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    All your assumptions and the baggage that goes with them captured in a few words.
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  12. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I do have a high amount of dislike and disrespect for Trump himself and I do not hesitate to provide actual quotes from people like ex-Whitehouse officials or generals or whoever decides they have critical statements to make about Trump. But you act like I make these quotes up!
    Yeah they may be hurtful if you love Trump but there are plenty out there... millions upon millions who feel the same as I or worse about him.So suck it up buttercup. I'm sorry I hurt your easily hurt feelings.
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  13. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    To me the BLM movement is a farce, total ********. Since this all started blacks continue to murder each other in record numbers. In Chicago last weekend 114 people were shot in two days. Five were young children. According to the FBI, since 1975 a full 84% of blacks who were murdered were killed by other blacks. And if that is not enough to discredit the entire BLM narrative, they have let their own movement be hijacked by the more sophisticated and organized fascist ANTIFA movement; the NWO crowd.
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    May 19, 2001
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    40º 86' N, 96º 68' W
    Dave for president. But then again, all you do is bitch. Anybody? Am I wrong here? Has the write in candidate ever offered a solution to back up his criticism? You've had 3 years independate Candidate Dave, tell us what's the fix? Give us a road map please. Seriously, what should be done? If I dont believe you, I'm gonna vote for Tucker.
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  15. Bobdawolverweasel

    Bobdawolverweasel Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Milwaukee’s homicide rate has doubled this year with the carnage occurring predominantly in the black community. I suspect other major urban cities have comparable stats.
    Very little coverage in the news about the increased crime wave. If a person pointed to this carnage and suggested that Black America needs to accept some responsibility for its increase and become more proactive in reducing its community’s high crime rate, that person would be condemned on social media as a racist and the SJW would swarm and try to ruin that person’s career and reputation

    But the biggest story the past few days was that a noose was hung in the garage of a black NASCAR driver at a recent race with the story, per the media
    , offering yet another corroborating note to the theme that our nation is irredeemably racist.And thus more fuel was poured onto the civil unrest inferno.

    However, an FBI investigation today revealed that the supposed noose was simply a lasso knot tied in a rope that was used lift the garage door for every driver’s stall and that practice was going on since 10/19.

    The founders of this country built the foundation of a wildly successful country upon values raging from the political, philosophical, and moral ideas of Romans, Greeks, and Jews along with those that arose from the Enlightenment. The present demonstrations seek to delegitimize this and I am depressed and shocked that their efforts have seemingly gained more and more adherents. The question I have is will there be a backlash strong enough to push back against this American cultural revolution that seeks eradication
    of our history and to build a new Year 0 nation clumsily based on past models created by Jacobins, Mao’s Red Guard, Lenin, and the Khmer Rouge.
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    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020
  16. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Howell Twp. NJ

    We all read it in high school. It was written in 1949. I am re-reading it right now and I would suggest you do too.
    That fiasco with the NASCAR driver was an unintended slip. In my view the Blacks are merely the unwitting pawns for whoever is really behind this attempted takeover. The Floyd murder was the fuse being lit and in the beginning it appeared to be another reaction similar to the Rodney King riots way back when.

    But this time it almost immediately began morphing into much more. It was subtle at first but quickly gained momentum with the statue vandalism and removal that targeted subjects with no rhyme or reason; Confederate generals, Presidents, famous people from all walks. Even Jesus Christ is on deck for vandalism and/or removal. Rumored targets include Rushmore and the Washington monument,. The American Museum of Natural History on Central Park W was so intimidated that it is taking down its Teddy Roosevelt statue that has been in place since 1940. Roosevelt defined the concepts of preservation of natural resources and history. Here in my neck of the woods Monmouth University, bowing to the pressure of a group of snot nosed 20 year olds, is re-naming Wilson Hall, a converted mansion donated to the University by its owner Woodrow Wilson. Art is being removed. Flags burnt over toppled monuments.

    Cops have been set up as the fall guys and cities from sea to shining sea are hanging them out to dry while ceding their own real estate to mobs. Mayors are willing to do the bidding of the anarchists. The Press has been cheerleading this whole insurrection. As have many Democrats who are united by a pathological, unprecedented hatred for the President. Republicans in typical fashion are paralyzed by fear and stand mute. Elected Congress people like Cortez and Omar cheer on the destruction. And note through all of this the anarchists for the most part are not black; they are whites in the 16-30 year age group and at least half female.

    And all of this is working. Cortez just won her primary by 52% points. Our first Presidential candidate with obvious dementia is 12% ahead in the polls. Mayors and Governors sit by as their cities are burned and looted. Even sports have been completely compromised. Hollywood lectures us daily and cheers on the movement.

    Am I wrong? Speak up.
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  17. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    If your guy George was an honest person with soley an eye out for America and what America stands for...and for preserving it's institutions rather than tearing them down for his own political purpose.... and if he wasn't hell bent on dividing the country instead of uniting it....and if he was absorbed in leading the nation through this terrible pandemic rather than being so completely absorbed in his own political persona then the GOP would offer a viable choice in November.
    But Trump is none of those great things a leader should be ..... he's just the opposite....self absorbed like no president in our history.
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  18. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    In other news, honest Abe Pelosi continues her efforts to unite the country by demonizing, dehumanizing, and painting half of the country's citizens as racist murderers after deciding innocent until proven guilty is only for non-whites:

    Pelosi on GOP policing bill: They're 'trying to get away with murder'

    No need to complete an investigation, or jury trial, or any of the troublesome institutions set up by the white supremacist founding fathers. She identifies with feelings of it being murder, so it must be so!

    Rubber stamp's new comedy routine - Trump should PRESERVE the nation's institutions rather than TEARING THEM DOWN. LMAO So. Many. JOKES!

    Of course, Trump was voted in to literally DRAIN THE SWAMP vs. the anarchist BLM/ANTIFA mob performing insurrectionist activity in violation of the rule of law, yet nary a whisper of condemnation from our esteemed colleagues on the Left.
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  19. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Comparing Pelosi to Trump is like comparing the front desk clerk at the station to the police chief.
    Pelosi could not win the Democratic nomination for president in a million years.... she's that far left and eccentric. But somehow the right put an inexperienced, dishonest and self absorbed prick in the White house.
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  20. Bobdawolverweasel

    Bobdawolverweasel Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Pelosi is not “that far left” as you so claim, Dave. She is part of the present Democratic establishment like her counterpart Schumer is in the senate. The leader of the radical left would be AOC and her counterparts Tiab and Ilan Omar in congress. Yesterday, 2 candidates endorsed by AOC and who were funded by her PAC allies defeated 2 candidates in the Demo primary including 1 incumbent congressman ( Engle) endorsed by Pelosi, Schumer et. al.

    The open question is how far left will the younger, energized, activist wing of the party move the party. For historical examples of the similar phenomena, look at the impact of McGovernites on Johnson’s Democratic party or the impact the populist wing on the Republican party had on a party previously controlled by George W.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020