Nope Andy you can try to spin this any way you want. That whole spectacle was all about Logan-El. Nobody has 200 close friends and family. They may know a lot of people, and have an large extended family. But you can't be close to 200 people. Vincent Young, who's earned his fame, unlike young Logan-El who may someday earn his fame. And I would speculate that Vince has just as many friends and family as Logan-El and he lives in about a 1500sq ft rent house that won't accomadate them. Sat down with his pastor, his mom and a few close family friends and made his decision. Then he went back to UT, where the athletic dept set up a press conference and he made his announcement. He'd already told the family/friends. He didn't need to bring a "posse" to his press conference. That's class! Logan-El may be a nice kid, and he might be a great college player and as he grows and matures he might aquire class. Right now he's just a kid who wanted to be the center of attention and there were adults willing and eager to help him do that. BTW: Logan-El is the subject here, but he's not alone. We've all seen it, at ND Lorenzo Booker told Ty Willingham he was going to Notre Dame, he told the ESPN people he was commiting to Ty Willingham on their program. Like Logan-El, he had to have all his "close friends and family, ie posse" around him when he made the announcement. But he and his cousin already had cooked it up that they were going to "shock the world" and the picked the Fla.State hat. It was all about Lo Booker, he didn't have to tell Willingham he was coming when he knew he wasn't, but he wanted to make the splash, show people he was somebody! Now C.J.Leake did what you suggested earlier, shock'em at the last minute. His father and C.J. had commited to Bob Davie, they even visited ND the week before signing day and confirmed to Davie that they were comming to ND. They leaked (pun intended) so that all the chatter leading up to signing day was that Leake was going to ND. Then on signing day he announced for Wake Forrest. He and his Dad had already told the Wake Forrest coach they were comming when they made the trip to ND to dupe Davie some more. It was all orchestrated to shock the world and bring even more attention to C.J.Leake. But hey I hope Logan-El has a great career, his announcement is just a blip on the radar of life. But please don't try to spin it that it all he wanted was to be with a couple hundred family and friends on ESPN. 4 years from now hardly anybody except the hardcore MD fans will even care. Terry
AJ, We're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. You'll never convince me that what Logan-El did was anything other than a slap in the face to Maryland coaches and fans. I don't wish anything bad for the kid, but I can't say I have any respect for him either.
I agree with Terry and Bob. The "shock the world" attitude reeks of a low-class mentality. Time will tell whether the kid has the kahones to step up to being a man, but he is not off to a good start.
That's OK with me. I can respect that. I do appreciate the civility as these types of conversations can get out of hand. Good luck to the Irish and the Terps
You're right Andy, sometimes we just have to move on. Penn State has a great class comming in this year, most of the services have you guys in the top 5. With this infusion of talent you should stay back as well. See ya' in Sept at the Rock! Terry
********!! PUNK STATE screwed Nebraska outa 2 recruits and I want a full recruiting practice investigation started immediately!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: BTW, good luck also on the upcoming season AJ. :wink:
Mmmmm, Royster, Walton …. So precious.. so so precious All mine ! All mine ! Good luck to the Huskers. I have to say I my doubts about Callahan, but the Huskers finished strong and that may be a good sign the ship is righted. If they bring back a strong D line, and effective pass rush , that can carry them through the tough games when or if the offense sputters.