Utes have lost their composure, Longhorns up 24 - 3 I kinda expect that Texas will boat race them now
I think Texas has gotten into the Utes heads and they are just self destructing play after play! Ehlinger is having a great game tonight.
Well they get a bail out on the 4th down stop when they rip off the helmet of #99 for Texas and he keeps playing even though he never gets close to actual action. Gives Utah the ball 1st and goal and then on the TD pass they never even look at the play to see if it was legit. Interesting Stat... Loser of the Pac 12 championship game is 0-8 in bowls. Soon to be 0-9.
Don Sam has a lot of upside and if Herman has made the right move in bringing in Yurcich he could have a great Sr year
Last night, as soon as they said Utah had a backup QB playing in the secondary, I knew that they were headed for USC part II and I took the girls to dinner for NYE instead. (which was an adventure all into itself). Utah came into that game though 17-4 in bowl games and got their ass kicked by a mediocre Texas team. Maybe they should go back to getting more guys from Long Beach and spend less time chasing dudes from Pompano Beach? Now I just got back from taking the girls to breakfast (2 good deeds in less than 24 hours), I've earned my full day of locking myself away and watching football. Looks like there's 2 good ones going so far. I'm honestly more surprised by Minnesota being tied with Auburn at 10 than I am Michigan and Alabama trading haymakers.